Found that iPhone sitting under his Betamax, huh?
r/spicypillows ?
Nope this battery’s safe I didn’t wanna give him a bomb
It’s on life support
Of course it’s the battery is wack, it’s using a CoconutBattery
Why does he still use an iPhone 5s lol
i mean its a 10 year old battery
OP a scam artist. Apple watch series 1 and money for a 5s.
I didn’t get money for it
IPhone 5s with a 219mah battery, for (presumably) a fully functional apple watch. You made off like a bandit lmao
Wait, that Vista wallpaper on Mac is full on criminal.💀
I can do you one better; My PC has the MacOS Catalina dynamic wallpaper
where do i find friends that are also this gullible? hahaha
I told him this battery sucks and I’m kinda scamming you he was chill with it
You’re the definition of a shitty person
Okay buddy
Good god throw it in the trash
What app is this in mac?
Coconut battery
I’m more concerned about the 16 gb, I feel like a few apps is gonna fill it up.
How are any apps still working? I had a 5s and at some point like ~6 years ago newest iOS was no longer supported on it and so most app updates afterwards could no longer be installed.
He can use YouTube Reddit literally everything he needs