Poland at 31 is criminal. With our current form we should be way lower.
Actually curious how Portugal dropped? Havent lost a game in Euro qualifs
Why is Belgium always so high even when they play shity
I’ve always wondered that
I know FIFA rankings don’t mean much, or at least people shouldn’t think too much of them. But they’re fun to look at for some reason
Everyone thinks the rankings are claiming to be a current super accurate representation of all teams. It’s not. When you use them as a relative gauge and think in terms if +/- 5 spots accuracy, they are much better. Is Croatia actually, exactly #10 in the world? Probably not. But are they between 5 and 15? Absolutely. They are better if you think in terms of a range.
Portugal: won all games from EU qualifiers, 2goals conceded, CR7 2nd best scorer
FIFA: nah take -1 place
All these people who dont know how rankings work. Smh
WhY iS bElGiUm So HiGh?
Sad to say but Italy too high rn
Death, taxes, and Belgium in the top 5
Argentina #1 just like the amount of penalties awarded out of all teams in the 22 WC
Still crying, you love to see it
Somebody please tell me the last time Belgium made any waves at any tournament. Theyre trash.
They sure win a lot of games for a team that is trash
Someone has no clue how the ranking works
How are Brazil 5th? They are terrible
I don’t think the ranking system measures only current form, it’s probably tracking past history while slowly dropping the importance the farther back you go
I think if they somehow keep doing bad in the qualifiers next year, then you’ll really see their ranking drop off faster
It tracks the past 12 months I think, with a weird formula awarding points. It was never a relevant ranking
Portuguese speakers are the big losers here it would seem.
Croatia can win the wc and still remain no. 10 nd Belgium can get knocked by Qatar and become top 2