Behold Fox News trying to win back some of their moderate viewers and cover their assess, so they don’t get hit with another billion dollar lawsuit.
If anyone is undecided on Trump at this point, they’re not moderates.
Just because the dude wants to rule as God on earth doesn’t mean you can’t have a nuanced, neutral view on him! /s
Yeah I mean I’m fine with trump locking up his political opponents for no reason, I just don’t want to hear him talk about it on tv. I also really don’t understand democratic voters that care more about democracy than gas prices or inflation. Were you people not paying attention when he cut our nursing home population in half?
I don’t think /u/Telorand was suggesting that. Rather I think they’re saying that Fox news is trying to appeal to both trump supporters and non-trump supporters within their base, whatever their base counts as these days.
My pops is super conservative and he finally came around to thinking trump is a grifter and criminal. Fox went a long way (or all the way and then some) towards discrediting themselves within the journalism community, but they still have a lot of boomers that are addicted to the outrage they spew.
I don’t think they are trying to appeal to their audience that is closer to center. I think they realize they can’t support open fascism and come out the other side if it fails.
They still have another ongoing billion dollar lawsuit from smartmatic, the other voting machine company they slandered.
Yeah, isn’t it great? Their comeuppance is long overdue.
Don’t kid yourself. Smartmatic is in it for a payday. They’re not interested in justice or even revenge. Might make Fox temporarily uncomfortable, but there won’t be any pressure for journalistic reform and if they have to stop short of bankrupting them to ensure maximum payout, that’s what they’ll do.
Smartmatic is in it for a payday. They’re not interested in justice or even revenge.
Sure. But that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy it vicariously. I’m not expecting Fox to get bankrupted. But they rolled the dice on some real whoppers, and since money is their lifeblood, I’m happy to see them really bleed for it for once.
it is because less people are watching.
a, news is different most don’t watch cable
b, pearl clutching becomes tiresome
Having a POC say the truth so the racist base they fostered will dismiss it
ding ding ding
I always wonder what they’re thinking. Does it feel like you’re surrounded by snarlinf predators? Because real human communities aren’t supposed to be like that. Do they think their deeds will spare them when it comes time to enact the white supremacy? History shows it never does.
I always wonder what they’re thinking.
“Better to be the right hand of the devil, than in his path.”
If we’re to assume rational behavior, this is about resignation and making the most about (what is believed to be) an impossible situation. So, cynicism and pessimism. But yeah, simple greed and sheer stupidity could also be the case.
Opportunity to be token black R that’s paraded around. R has been full to the brim of opportunists trying to take their slice of the pie since Joe The Plumber marked the beginning of an era of narrative over all else.
Before the wall of “same as it ever was” replies - no. The mainstream conservative propaganda machine flew off the rails starting around that time. Yes, there was build up. But that’s when the needle spiked into the red.
They’d dismiss it no matter the person’s race.
We are already at the 1984 double speak level “untruth” fuck outta here with that.
And I thought “alternative facts” was cringe.
And that was only the beginning.
There is a semantic difference between “untruth” (or “falsity”), and “lie”. Lies are intentional, so untruths are the bigger category. Obviously, in the case of Trump, most of the untrue things he says are intentional, but I’m sure a lot are also just garden variety ignorance.
Yeah, but we already have “falsehoods” for that, why make up a word? Because untruths is more of a soft pedal.
That sounds plausible. “Untruth” sounds gentler.
Now only 50% less truthy.
9 out of 10 polygraphs recommend.
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I wonder how much he just says things, and if they happen to be true, wonderful.
yeah totally. I’d even go so far as to say that a lot of the things he says are intentionally ambiguous, so that he can’t be pinned down on the truth of any claim and his supporters can do mental gymnastics when he’s wrong.
Yeah, this is seriously double-plus ungood.
Untruths, or lies as they are called.
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Man, those lawsuits must have really traumatized them for them to have changed their behavior this much. Love to see it though maybe Faux will be slightly less trash now.
Until he secures the GOP nomination. Then it’ll go right back to All Trump, all the time.
Did it ever stop being that?
The difference will be that they’ll put more effort into this. More “Wow. There is a lot to unpack there. Here is what The President is teaching us when he says this”. Spin it as 4D chess where lowly peasants can’t truly understand the wisdom.
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If the old guy hated trump but still had corporate suck him off, why would “the new guy” matter at all?
The fox news audience wants trump. So they get trump. fox will try to lower their liability but they aren’t going to give up even more market share to oan and the like.
Losing money is worse than losing a child to the ultra wealthy.
They don’t care about losing a child, they’re not worth any capital yet.
If you think the main goal of FOX News is money, you’re missing the point. If FOX really cared about money, they wouldn’t have folded so easily w/ Dominion.
The money is just a nice side-effect of the disinformation.
If FOX really cared about money, they wouldn’t have folded so easily w/ Dominion.
The Dominion settlement cost them a fortune, and they folded because they didn’t have a case. The evidence against them was devastating.
Yes, but their viewers weren’t told that and don’t care to hear it. Fox is a pure propaganda outfit, and whatever the “both sides” morons say, there’s no equivalent to it on the left. The settlement they reached was just the price of successfully boosting the propaganda Trump demanded from them.
They’ll do it again as often as they have to.
If I recall correctly, it wiped out most of their profits for that year, it’s not something they can do again and again as often as they have to. Fox News is a public company and it’s illegal not to act in the fiduciary interests of the shareholders, that would open them up to more lawsuits.
It was a big enough deal that they fired their most popular right-wing mouthpiece, which seems to be pretty clear evidence that they care more about the almighty dollar. They will continue spreading Republican propaganda in the worst way that’s legal instead.
Fox News is a public company and it’s illegal not to act in the fiduciary interests of the shareholders, that would open them up to more lawsuits.
FYI, the shareholder lawsuits just got started in September.
never gonna happen as long as the devil’s spawn is running the show.
you could just refuse to televise the useless piece of shit
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Seems like them pointing out the election was not rigged is too little, too late at this point
At this point they’re just covering their ass from more lawsuits, and the one from Smartmatic is still on the way.