I watched a video today talking about common talking points concerning how „the left has failed men“

I would argue F.D argues that while this is often cited as a critique on how „the Left“ is losing young men to right grifters like Tate, Peterson, etc.

He eventually argues that these misogynistic forces are not new and have only been thriving because of economic problems (capitalism yaaay) faced in the present.

As I really like this community I thought I give it a shot to post something. If I should try to give a broader summary of the video please feel free to tell me.

Thanks for reading :)

  • cybermass@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    It also doesn’t help that there’s a portion of feminists who are super extreme and basically just use feminism as a cover for man hating, which tends to push away young boys from real feminism.

    I think there are a lot of layers to it tbh, the right promises young boys all of these things (that are bullshit) and tells them they are #1 and they matter most while in general left people tend to say that men (even moreso cis white men) are the problem, which tends to alienate those people.

    As a very left leaning cis white male it does feel extremely lonely, I am very depressed and never feel like my feelings are valid. I can’t point to a boogeyman and say “that’s the reason my life sucks” cause I’m the boogeyman and the only reason my life sucks is because I suck.

    It’s right wing option is just earlier mentally for boys to handle.

    • Pointy_Dorito@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      Just want to say, the fact that the right capitalizes on those topics makes me automatically cautious when I come across those discussions. Even reading through this community, I had to be defensive about getting hooked into something that is good on the surface but not so much underneath. My point is, its hard to talk about these topics now that its essentially associated with the manipulation tactics used by those influencers. Not sure how we can reclaim the positive while separating it from the negative.

    • Akasazh@feddit.nl
      1 year ago

      I am very depressed and never feel like my feelings are valid. I can’t point to a boogeyman and say “that’s the reason my life sucks” cause I’m the boogeyman and the only reason my life sucks is because I suck.

      At least that’s the better attitude. If you are depressed and you cope by hating on whatever minority you get told to hate, it won’t really cure your depression.

      The only thing that helps is learning to love yourself and doing things, however small, to love yourself a bit more. It’s very hard to do, and it wont reward you as instantaneously as drugs or cash. I hope you find that and wish you luck.

      Alas the internet thrives on rage funneling. Hard to avoid, but very toxic. There’s also an extreme left flavor of funnel, though.

      • cybermass@lemmy.ca
        1 year ago

        Thank you for the kind words, I’m working on it

        Anything is better than hating someone else for no reason, I’ve got enough hate in my heart as is, and one of the best ways to make me (and most people) feel better is to spread love.

        • valentinesmith@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
          1 year ago

          As @akasazh says baby steps for sure and you got this!

          I would argue however that there is a boogeyman that you can blame and that is capitalism, so there is always that.

          Additionally as you have yourself mentioned just because we live in a partiachial society that doesn’t mean that cis white men are always just winners, so I think the feeling of being overwhelmed and on your own and downtrodden by the system can be totally valid. Similarly to what @cmbabul mentioned, sure you can be a little bit more up the ladder but we are most likely all quite far away from the top :)

          I hope that you feel empowered to reach out to others and connect. I am sure others share your sentiment. I think Lemmy has DMs so if you ever wanna just chat feel free to write me :)

          Thank you for sharing!

    • Hacksaw@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      First, man hating feminists aren’t feminists, they’re just assholes who use acceptable rhetoric (feminism) as a cover for spreading hate and bigotry. Feminism is about equality and taking down patriarchal systems that harm everyone. Although it is female centric and tends to deal with aspects of the patriarchy that affect women and gender minorities. Feminism is VERY effective, and we’re now in a situation where the harmful effects on men of patriarchal ideology are becoming more and more obvious. I believe men’s lib is a GREAT banner for men to take down the patriarchy where they’re the most affected. Working with feminism, LGBT+ and anti-racism we can ensure all harmful aspects of patriarchy are dismantled.

      Second you’re not To blame. You’re not the patriarchy and you’re certainly being hurt by it in meaningful ways. If you’re not reinforcing the patriarchal systems that are harming you, you had nothing to do with the pain you feel.

      You do have places to point the finger. The patriarchy and right wing ideology harms young men. Fiscal conservatives who gut education budgets, and force a focus on STEM at the expense of physical education, cooperative group sports, and recess time. Librarian educators who put all the physical activity budget into competitive sports so that “the strong rise and the weak perish”. Pearl clutching conservatives who accuse male teachers of homosexuality, grooming, and pedophilia when they try to connect with students or introduce acceptance of LGBT+ ideology ruining the careers of male teachers and robbing boys of positive role models. Men and women who spread toxic masculinity and ridicule young boys who express their feelings or emotional needs. I could go on to show the ways right wing ideology robs boys and young men of their life satisfaction and societal prospects.

      Therapy is great for personal growth. For growth within your friend group and family, you can also start looking at how toxic masculinity and regressive gender norms harm you and those around you. Most young men and women parrot these views but don’t understand them. Occasional calm, polite, assertive explanations about the ideology they’re spreading is enough for most people to realise what they’re doing. You can improve your friend group over time, as well as help you encourage good supportive friendships and trim harmful ones. That will also help your emotional and mental well-being.

  • Veraticus@lib.lgbtM
    1 year ago

    I get it (and I appreciate you posting this) but I’m just not sure how this is “the Left’s” fault.

    To me, this argument feels similar to all the people who unironically claim all political problems are due to Democrats – health care, student loan debt, queer rights… apparently never considering Republicans culpable or responsible. One side is the adults that can be blamed for faults and must be expected to do better, and the other side are children who are either ignored or, worse, applauded for doing the bare minimum.

    Similarly, I think saying that “the Left has failed men” is a vast oversimplification. The Right is persuasive and doesn’t need things like “rightness,” “truth,” or “morality” on their side. Saying that your problems are due to, say, women or gays is a much easier sell than actually addressing your problems by trying to work on yourself and the masculinity you can interact with.

    • Hacksaw@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      Politics, on the left and right, is about taking people’s struggles and suffering and giving them purpose, meaning, and catalyzing them to action that will improve their situation and society.

      The left used to be the party of the people, peaking in the new deal era of the 30’s. After the great depression into the baby boomer era and the early 2000’s, middle class white men and boys had it pretty good and lost interest in leftist ideology instead adopting to the “got mine” right wing libertarianism typical of the era. The left in this time focused on minorities and women who had a lot to gain from progressive socialist ideology and political action with great success in this front.

      With this historical focus on minorities and women it’s easy to forget that socialism is about the power of what can be achieved by working together instead of on your own. Young boys and men right now are crying out to join something and work together. Their suffering is caused by the patriarchy and their needs are well aligned with leftist ideology. If we capture them we have a chance at locking down DECADES of strong leftist and progressive policies and putting a full generation of gap from racism and bigotry. If we give up young boys and men to the right we’re going to be locked into the current situation where we’re barely able to keep fascism at bay.

      • Hacksaw@lemmy.ca
        1 year ago

        Just to give some examples, the suffering of young men and boys is broad and spread across many aspects of society from education

        • lower grades
        • lower post secondary education
        • cuts to physical education
        • reduced recess
        • lack of male mentorship in schools

        To general success in society

        • toxic masculinity
        • Lower job prospects due to lower academic achievements
        • lack of social networks
        • difficulty maintaining friendships and support networks
        • inability to bond emotionally with peers due to repressive gender norms

        To the problems we all share

        • lower incomes
        • need for better infrastructure
        • Need for cities with lower cost of living (walkable cities, public transit, affordable housing)
        • regulating corporate greed

        I could go on, but the point of this list is to show just how well aligned the needs of boys and young men are with socialism and anti-patriarchal ideology. We could have better schools and a more loving and accepting human-centered society for all.

        I frankly can’t believe the right is winning this fight when they have NO SOLUTIONS TO OFFER AT ALL. Right now all the right is doing is saying “Yes you’re suffering. It’s society’s fault, they repress you because they fear your ‘innate superiority’. Come with us and we’ll show you what you need to destroy to be happy and reclaim your rightful place” Then they point to all the leftist stuff and vaguely gesture that it’s causing suffering without real supporting facts.

        I honestly believe that victory is at hand, we just need to grasp it. The only way to lose is to ignore this massive opportunity.

    • valentinesmith@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
      1 year ago

      I wholeheartedly agree but I would also argue that F.D. has a similar take at least the way I see it.

      I would say he argues that while right grifters are nothing new they were usually not as successful and medially present as they are today. He attributes this to the fact that media engagement is the only metric that counts and that any sharing of a video leads to it being more present in the algorithm. Additionally he argues that in the past most men were able to eventually get a job and support themselves and a family and that with the rise of neoliberalism and worsening wages and inflation the rate of men who are able to do that has shrunk drastically leading to a rise of mental health illnesses but also suicides and other Deaths of Despair. Which have become a somewhat breeding ground for grifters to enrapture more men to their cause with their false promises.

      Finally he argues that it is not in the interest to even try to appeal to men the same way the right does as it is - as you have yourself stated - fundamentally antithetical to our causes and beliefs. But that the focus should always be placed on changing the system and being active in our communities. And that changes to the system have to be understood as being beneficial to men as well (duh!).

      So I think maybe my framing of his video was a bit too shallow, but thank you for posting your comment. I feel the same way especially in that “the left has failed men” has become an incredible oversimplification for a multilayered problem

  • gapbetweenus@feddit.de
    1 year ago

    The left has failed conservative men who search for simple answers and like clear rules and hierarchies. But I’m not sure what left can offer them in the first place.

    • Hacksaw@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      No, the right is pulling boys and young men because they’re the only ones that acknowledge that these boys are not thriving in modern society. The left still generally still thinks that young middle class and working class boys and men are prospering from the patriarchy and late stage capitalism. This hasn’t been true for at least a few decades now.

      Ironically patriarchy and right wing libertarianism is to blame for most of the problems of these young men so all we need to do is acknowledge their suffering and point them to the obvious socialist and left wing solutions to their problems.

      • gapbetweenus@feddit.de
        1 year ago

        There are enough solutions from the left, you say it yourself. People who don’t see them - don’t want to see them.

        • Hacksaw@lemmy.ca
          1 year ago

          These are mostly kids. Almost all are younger than 25, their brains are not fine developing. They just know they feel bad and they look to the simplest most enticing, path of least resistance to feel good.

          Leftist ideology is complex and nuanced, but contains REAL solutions. Right wing rhetoric is simple but for most people it’s all empty promises and grifts. We do a great job creating accessible rhetoric for women, minorities, and LGBT+ persons and because of this these groups join in droves and obtain real improvement in their lives. We don’t do a great job of tailoring rhetoric to address the moden problems of young boys that the patriarchy creates.

          That’s pretty much all I’m saying. I have a hard time understanding what there is to disagree with. I think you should look inside and think about what I said that you don’t like and why. Maybe you have something to learn or work through.

          • gapbetweenus@feddit.de
            1 year ago

            That’s pretty much all I’m saying. I have a hard time understanding what there is to disagree with. I think you should look inside and think about what I said that you don’t like and why. Maybe you have something to learn or work through.

            Projecting much?

            But I entertain your thought - what problems are boys facing that is not addressed by modern leftist ideology? And if you need it dumbed down and entertaining - there will be a youtube video about it.

            But like you said yourself, if you are looking for “simplest most enticing, path of least resistance to feel good” - than obviously you will land with populist and snake oil sellers.

            • Hacksaw@lemmy.ca
              1 year ago

              If you’re going to entertain my thought I’ll do yours!

              I have one question from your assessment.

              I feel like everyone wants the path of least resistance to feel good, and doesn’t look too hard unless they make politics and ideology an important part of their lives. I also think the right is trying to capture all demographics with snake oil populism. Why are they winning with young boys and not with young women, lesbians and gays (I almost added the BT+ but trying to wipe them out of existence slows recruitment drives I think), or minorities. I think it’s easy to say because they hate women and minorities but a lot of older women and minorities are strong right wingers. Are young boys are particularly wired to want snake oil compared to everyone else?

              • gapbetweenus@feddit.de
                1 year ago

                I think conservatives openly hating on women, LGBT+ and minorities might be indeed a reason why they are not as popular as with majority male young population. Not sure why you dismiss that argument. Young man, rich folks and just conservatives are the target demographic. But for a rebellious young teen boy (from my experience) it’s toss up if he wants to be edgy as left or as right. Maybe right has a slight edge right now since mainstream media became extremely fake left leaning - so maybe if I was a teen right now, I myself would lean more to the right.

                So your turn: what problems are boys facing that are not addressed somewhere in the left sphere?

                • Hacksaw@lemmy.ca
                  1 year ago

                  In another comment in this thread I list some of the specific problems of boys and young men with good leftist solutions.

                  Sure young men join the left. I wouldn’t dismiss this as “edgyness” as I said their brains aren’t fully developed and that’s just how they express themselves at that stage of development. But then they’re generally recruited as “allies” rather than as champions of their own leftist causes.

                  We definitely haven’t captured enough leftist men and pointed them to fight their own fights. That’s the whole concept of the left. Everyone fights the patriarchy in the ways they need, and we help eachother’s causes as allies. Only in all of our efforts combined do we destroy the structures that harm us all. What keeps a demographic here imo is having their own fights to fight. I think that’s what’s not addressed, the pipeline to channel curious dejected young boys and point them to their own leftist struggles while learning about the struggles of others isn’t as well developed as other pipelines. I think this is because it’s only in the last few decades that the left has had more to offer than the right for this demographic. To me that’s a call to work on the pipeline not to shrug and dismiss the situation.

                  Also I think you dismiss too quickly what the right has to offer women and minorities. Yes they openly hate them, but they offer them their own hierarchies under which to hate and control others. That’s why the right is so attractive to minorities such as immigrants who are used to thriving in the privileges offered to them in these structures. That’s why it’s so attractive to many older women who want power in local community social and political spheres. Although this is how their participation looks like in these structures, they usually see it as “improving societal norms” and “preventing moral decay and corruption of the youth”. This is important because people need to feel like the good guys. I’m not saying these people are better off under the right. I think EVERYONE is better off with the left. But there is a lack of understanding of what the right has to offer and why it’s attractive to people. It’s easier to tailor our message when we empathize with people and cater the message based on that.

                  Edit: I would also add being good allies to young men and boys fighting the leftist fight. Sometimes we tend to fear that helping them means somehow there will be less for everyone else, but it’s not a zero sum game. We destroy the patriarchy by dismantling it where it hurts us and by being a good ally to all of those who seek to dismantle it where it hurts them.