We have very few options. Can’t wait to get my physics degree and have 0 options for practical application that does not compromise my morals
The guilt is the most rewarding part of science careers
Yes, but have you considered the free-body diagram of a
rocketprojectilehitting acoming into contact with a hospital? You can ignore any socially uncouth “frictions” or “resistance” involved with the calculations.“”“externalities”“”
Choose a different career?
maybe work on games/software/simulations?
i’d love a VR sandbox with realish physics.
I’ll probably just do theory and possibly teaching when I finish my Phd
I work in alternative energy and such. No need to give up your morals. Maybe you won’t make as much, but that sleep feels so good and without qualms.
There is no way to live in Texas without giving up morals.
To be clear, I don’t live there, nor would I. I’d still see if people are living there for lack of means to escape, or because revoking bodily autonomy isn’t important to them.
A fair point that many can’t afford to move or don’t have the ability to for some reason or another.
I mean, you still got calculators.
Big Number shill.
Considering IBM sold their computers to Nazi Germany to keep track of prisoners in concentration camps, I can see how it can be problematic.
Nah, they’ve been selling basically the same hardware for decades. Not a lot of new engineering going into those.
As someone who is glad they don’t live in america
Explain please
Alright, I will sacrifice some of my karma for this, if it helps:-).
The meme is trying to wrangle the premise that “large corporations are (most often) bad” (which ofc is true:-P) into a humorous statement that engineers in the state of Texas have limited opportunities to find jobs.
The problem is that it messes up all the details - e.g. if you have ever heard of GameStop, Dell, or Texas Instruments (just to name 3) they all have their headquarters in Texas, plus numerous top tech companies have branches there like Samsung. A 5s Google search shows many, MANY more.
For extra context: moving between states is nothing at all like moving between countries - and e.g. the state of California has a GDP comparable to Germany - plus there are many jobs in the state of Texas for both Engineers and also non-Engineers, especially if someone is willing to make less money in exchange for other QoL factors (like living closer to family?) so… in short, it is not your fault for not understanding this meme.:-)
Though there must be just enough of something in it for it to have gotten this many upvotes, in spite of all that. As someone who hasn’t lived in Texas for many years, I must be on the outside looking in now and thus don’t get it:-P.
As long as you ignore the old tech in…
- Infrared Scanners
- Radar
- Missiles
- Military Computers
- Laser-guided bombs
- Whatever they sold to Raytheon
TI is actually a wonderful company to work for!
More like American engineers at least. I graduated with a bachelor’s in engineering last year and this has been my experience looking for work.
deleted by creator
Look into public works.
I actually applied to several non-defense government jobs last year, but I haven’t heard back yet. Apparently it takes forever (more than private industry) to hire people, but even then I’m not exactly an attractive hire.
I just started my graduate degree so I’m probably not going down that route. I’d be open to a summer internship in public works, but I literally cannot count on them to get back to me in six months.
In engineering, you always make more money if you ask less questions