Doesn’t use filters or alter pictures but missing her jawline OK 👍
Well that’s not the body that walked the runway last weekend 😬
Also she looks quite skinny here. I laughed when I saw one of her stories saying something like when you do your first runway… I guess she expects her runway career to take off now.
Oh 100%. It wouldn’t shock me at all if she’s there again next year.
If SI is around next year! It’s not doing very well
She sees this as her big break and this 49-year-old suburban Canadian mom of 4 is going to take the modelling world by storm! She refuses to see the link between her appearance on that runway and the long-time relationship between SI and her mentor having anything to do with her walking at Swim Week. She also glosses over the fact it was a spot for influencers, not professional models.
She’s getting sloppier by the day. She thinks because she walked SI’s runway that she is so invincible and can get away with anything, which feels true honestly and it sucks.
She keeps going on and on about that fucking SI runway walk…I mean clomp.
She’s driving me insane! When she made the comment yesterday about someone calling her out for posting too much about it, the person wasn’t wrong that’s for sure
That pushed me over the edge! How she was speaking, the towel and then into the bra and underwear. Like at least get dressed and then run your mouth grifter!
Who sets their aspirations to “underwear model”? Even models don’t. But her in her underwear is her whole identity.
Shocked she didn’t stop and pose then pull out the good ol fupa and give it a slap for everyone 😜
On the runway? That would have been priceless 😂 and you’re right! I’m surprised she didn’t.
Her famous money maker. She is so special.
Legit the most insufferable person. She says that person can go but why doesn’t she just ignore it? She’s such a mean girl calling people out like this. Always a victim.
She’s been channeling her inner Leaky with these call outs the last few days.
I’m wondering why she’s changed tactics from Ignoring to confronting. She would never confront irl!
Holy shit. I zoomed in wondering if it was a lighting thing and it’s absolutely not. Lol.
Completely blurred out! Crazy. This was her still shot, it’s not from a video.
I love Birdie’s passive-aggressive tshirt 🙄
She’s so tough!
Found it