Headline incorrect and misleading. He’s still donating to his new pro-Trump PAC rather than Trump directly, which is what the original WSJ article said anyways. Whoever wrote this article should be fired for regurgitating Musk’s spin without fact checking.
Tbf, that’s sorta what Fortune exists to do: regurgitate whatever billionaires and their PR reps say without fact checking.
Can’t fire a worker for upholding the raison d’etre of the publication 🤷
Why are you sharing it if you felt acknowledge that it’s billionaire propoganda?
Because the headline is like something out of The Onion and I figured that the good people (and others) of “nottheonion” would appreciate that 🤷
Journalists are now more similar to the police, just regime lapdogs doing regime bidding while pretending to be for the people lol
Those aren’t journalists. They are doing no journalism. Stop slandering a wonderful and necessary profession just because propagandists exist.
Are these “good” journalists in the room with us right now?
I wish there were enough good journalists, but the fact you diss journalism goes to show you are too stupid for a discussion on how Fox et. al. have not hired actual journalists in years upon years.
Grow a brain and realize punditry is NOT journalism.
Is new York times journalism?
No, they’re an outlet. Journalism is the thing the writers are supposed to do before writing articles that aren’t thinly veiled opinion pieces.
Not all of em.
Completely agreed. There is very little in the way of actual journalism there, it’s really an industry rag.
Elon Musk is not spending $45 million a month to elect former President Donald Trump, though he has created a new super political action committee (PAC) to fund the Republican candidate, the billionaire told conservative commentator Jordan Peterson during an interview Monday evening.
What a bullshit headline. It’s literally the first line of the article.
So he is spending money to fund Trump. He’s just going through a super PAC because he can’t legally straight up give Trump 45 million.
He probably talked to his lawyers and they told him to correct himself.
doesn’t subscribe to cult of personality
How much are blue check marks again?
One soul, I think?
Might’ve risen since I left, though 🤷
- Musk pledges enormous amount to Trump
- TSLA drops 10% immediately
- “I don’t subscribe to the cult of personality” No, you subscribe to the cult of money.
Bullshit. I subscribe to the idea he’s funneling money through the PAC back to Twitter to boost ad buy numbers.
Oooohhh… nice… this makes sense.
He doesn’t subscribe to cults of personality… Unless it’s his cult and his personality.
This elon musk guy, very rich, very powerful, most people say very smart. But he’s not. His cult has become very weak, one of the weakest cults in the history of the united States, I’ve never seen such a weak cult in my life. Cult members that are so afraid of sharks, I’ve never met people so afraid of little sharks that they would rather electrocute themselves on their woke electric boats.
Lmao he is such a blatant chode
That’s fuckin’ rich.
These assholes deserve eachother
Translation: he’s going to lose and I’m not going down with that idiot
“One of those values being meritocracy, as much meritocracy as possible, so you get ahead as a function of your skill, and nothing else,” Musk said.
If this was a true meritocracy, Musk would be penniless.
“If we aren’t promoting the most skilled people in our society, how am I supposed to figure out where to invest all this money I inherited?”
Manual tdlr: Oh Shit, Kamala is going to win Oh Shit, People have stopped buying Teslas Oh Shit, big oil is pissing on my donation anyway Oh shit, if I stop then Twotters advertising rates will tank again
I’ll just donate to the Republicans not just Trump!
I am a genius tactician, definitely not a wanker. Does anybody want my sperm to take to Mars?
But … he literally does…
He just, got caught… doing it
So I guess the oil industry is giving Trump more, so he isn’t backing down from his anti-electric stance.
Gotta give more than that to buy Trump Muskie Boy!
Nepo baby circle jerk
I was in a Portland ska band by that name. We were insufferable.