“Will track” is a weird way to say “already does, as is proven by researchers”.
I was watching a video about a kid that killed his mother. The cops were detailing how they caught him being somewhere else than what he stated.
They weren’t able to track his phone itself, because he had it turned off most of the time. But when he did turn it on they got the ping from nearby cell towers, and then they looked at highway cameras in that area. They were able to ID his license plate that way.
Basically they just ran nationwide searches for his phone, and then ran a search for his plates.
All of that data is already collected, all they need to do is “Google” it. Pretty interesting imo. A little scary too.
Edit. This guy also went to a Best buy and literally asked them for “a burner phone”, and was on camera asking for it. That’s how they knew what phone to look for. Lol
The enshitification continues as planned
Enshitification Intensification®
Correct, i think the entshitification per se is done. They are now playing around with the levels ( turning them up slowly, so people get used to it without going, hol’ up )
Enshitification? this is 1984ification
They’re tracking the phone for its safety, guys. what will happen if the phone gets lost or something.
They didn’t before? This is Google we are talking about. If nothing else they need your location for Google maps data.
It is a great time to degoogle your life.
Unless you physically remove the entire SIM module from your phone, this is not solvable. I have a degoogled phone too, but as long as you use a SIM card, you are being tracked.
You aren’t being tracked by Google. Also cell tower tracking is much harder than just querying a GPS service.
Thats true but im not sure if i have more trust in the cops than google. The requests for cell location data are instantly waved through usually.
This is why I have no play services on my device just open source only.
Only reason why I need plays services is for ProtonMail notifications. Proton seriously needs to use UnifiedPush or something.
The problem is that a lot of the Android and SDK are proprietary. You are depending on proprietary software right now and that’s not even including the kernel.
Still better than Stock Android though