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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/cmaia1503 on 2024-10-21 02:09:22+00:00.

“We just felt like better too soon than too late, and we didn’t want to be doing it after we used everything up,” Simms said of deciding to end the show with Season 6. “We knew it was going to be sad, but that also gave us a clear direction for the season. We thought about all the other shows [that have] done final seasons, and shows that are like a ‘very special final season.’ We were like ‘No; we want to make this purely funny from beginning to end, and not be too sad or sentimental about it.”

The actors recalled learning that Season 6 would be their last during a Christmas Eve Zoom call scheduled by Simms, and a feeling of “What the fuck?” (Novak) along with acceptance that a day they all expected would finally be on the horizon.

“I’ve seen it like happen with other shows, if they hang around for too long,” Berry said. “There’s like resentment for the work that’s gone before, and you should never be in that sort of position. You should cut loose before then, which is what I think we’ve done.”

“When you know the end is coming, that’s the worst bit,” Novak said of filming the final season. “And then just the momentum of work, you forget about all that. And then the closer you get to the end, Im like oh it’s the last wrap party, I’ve got to tell everyone how I feel about them… who’s gonna cry? Am I gonna cry? Am I gonna get upset? If I cry — will I cry in front of these people? Is Matt gonna cry?”

The cast and Simms, who isn’t done with the show. “I’ll cry when I’m done editing,” he said. “Which is still ongoing.”