I didn’t think three cars is enough to create a gridlock, but what do I know. Yesterday three very ‘creative’ drivers managed just that right in front of me.
I wish I had a picture to share as it was that special. I don’t, so here is a schematic for your enjoyment, horror, disgust, or perhaps lols as the younglings like to say these days.
I especially approve of using what looks like PowerPoint to make your diagram
Google slide was the one I had handy while on my sofa, but in principle you’re right as it’s a copy anyway.
lemme guess, 2 was a beemer / merc / audi?
Funnily enough, I was the one driving an Audi at the time.
people really don’t think about just how amazingly clumsy cars are, if this was motorbikes the situation would have been resolved in 5 seconds
All 3 are morons. You don’t go into the intersection if the way out isn’t free.
Looks like 2 is the moron, no? I’m guessing 1 was waiting for 3 to go past and 2 was waiting for 1 and 3, but just pulled out into the road in front of 3
Seems like 2 was the asshole here. 1 was waiting for 3, and 2 likely wasn’t paying attention.
Having seen it unfold, I’d struggle to assign the blame to a single party, because they were all dumber than the others. Here is how it happened:
- 1 stopped far too early in the junction to wait for 3, which was an entirely unnecessary wait anyway (1 being dumb)
- 2 moved to the lane even though 1 was blocking them (2 being dumb) — I presume 2 did that because 3 was far away and surely 1 would make their turn well before 3 arrived at the scene
- 3 drove close to 2 and blocked 1 instead of allowing 1 to turn, thus completing the gridlock (and trifecta of dumb)
they were all dumber than the others>
And this is how we have reached the state in which we currently find ourselves; an infinite loop of dumbness!
Edit: too many ins. I’m dumb.
I’d argue #2 is completely at fault as they pulled out into the path of 3, who had right over way over 2 and 1.
1 had to wait for 3. They might have been overcautious but there might have been something going on down the road where 3 was coming from that wasn’t visible to the others.
2 was supposed to wait until their exit is clear before moving.