I updated my graphics drivers from nvidia 470 to nvidia 560 due to issues running certain games. It’s fixed my gaming issue but reintroduced the problem that kept me from updating for so long.
After setting my computer to “suspend,” it wakes up to this screen on all monitors. I am unable to scroll up or type further commands, my only option is to reboot the machine.
- My graphics card is: NVIDIA Corporation GP104 [GeForce GTX 1070]
- Nvidia driver version: 560.35.03
- My desktop environment is Cinnamon X11. (This does not occur on Wayland, but there is no Cinnamon Wayland.)
I can’t make heads or tails of this error screen. The best I can understand is the “Fixing recursive fault but reboot is required!” line. How can I get more information? Does anyone have any ideas on how I can fix this? Thanks in advance.
Edit: It seems important to mention this is happening only on X11 (Pop default and Cinnamon), and not on Pop!_OS on Wayland.
Have the same gpu and had same issue give me a second to find the solution again.
Now back at PC:
Right so i searched for a while back when i got those issues and the only solution that really worked for me was installing 550 instead. Idk how PopOS / ubuntu does things. So doing this could be easy or super fucking annoying.
depending on the repo you are using for the nvidia driver, you might be able to specify the driver version during install like so:
sudo apt install nvidia-driver-550
I am on debian12 and installing from repo didnt work for me as there were lots of dependencies that had version conflicts. I ended up installing it with the .run file which is really tedious.
Im gonna be honest tho the chance that this will fix your issue is not that high. Nvidia problems are so fucking diverse and could be due to any number of specific system component and package combinations. But if its already broken, might as well try right?
does system76 not provide support for things like this?
Not unless you buy their hardware
it hadn’t occurred to me that someone would use their distro w/o the hardware.
i bought from a system76 rival w their own distro too so that i can avoid situations like this and lemmy is teaching me how lazy and out of touch it’s made me; op’s smart to use a distro from a linux company that maintains its own distro with it’s own paid developers because there’s a stronger chance that there’s an answer in their forum, compared to some obscure distro maintained by volunteers with day jobs.
If you won’t find a fix, just try switching to the other display protocol. It might help.
Do you mean switching from x11 to wayland?
At least for me, 560 works better with wayland than x11. xorg has problems with suspending/hibernating (IDK why), but wayland just works.
Ok, so switching to Pop on Wayland works. I didn’t mention this in my original post, but I’ve been running Pop on Cinnamon. So I either need to get comfortable with Pop’s DE or figure out if this is a cinnamon issue.
Previously I had an issue with fullscreen games having weird lag issues on Wayland. Though… testing that out now, that seems to no longer be an issue.
After trying this for a few minutes, I really don’t like how slow the dock shows itself when I hover near the bottom of the screen, and i don’t like how the application bar adds visual noise to the top of the screen. To me, it makes more sense for the two bars to be united as one like in cinnamon. :/
Out of curiosity, I wonder if the crash occurs when I’m in Pop x11, or if this is a cinnamon-specific bug.
EDIT: The crash occurs on Pop’s default DE on X11, and cinnamon on X11, but not Pop on Wayland.