To use Google messages you must sign in to one of your google accounts, even though that was not a requirement until today that I know of or was aware of.
To be fair, all of the ‘features’ that you miss out on by not linking an account feel like things I’d be happy to say goodbye to…
To not need to use account, you must login to an account to change the settings to opt out. WTF! ?
So fuck google messages…
And hello QKSMS!
And testing QKSMS…
Ok good, let’s delete Google message…ass
Ahh fuck. Another shitty google tactic! This should be so fucking illegal!
I can’t delete the app because some fuck ass at google made it impossible to delete, that’s why!
Fuck google!
You find yourself a glass beer bottle in the mud, break it, glue the shards on to a toilet plunger stick, and you fuck Google! This is the new way of viewing google. It’s a fuck ass company. You see any software or hardware with that shit for name and you walk away. No , better, run. Run away.
For clarity, that message appears on all system apps which can be disabled. Even apps like the calculator will show it.
The reason system apps can only be disabled and not uninstalled is because they’re shipped as part of the OS. Unless you’re rooted, the OS is read-only, making traditional uninstallation (deleting the app data) impossible. What disabling does is effectively just tell the phone to ignore that the app exists and to just not load it.
Also keep in mind that if you do as root uninstall a system app, it often comes back on any system update because many updaters work by simply redownloading a fresh, full OS image.
Ok try me…I’m not a a superficial script kiddy. The reason for bundling is not mere coincidence or convenience for the user. The reason is to provide a monopoly for Google. I didn’t complain until now because I’ve never been asked to login with my google account to use sms and now I am being asked for that. Meaning that they are trying to connect my conversations with my identity. First let us provide you with an sms client that never fails, if it fails, just download the system again and it’s fixed! Surprise! We’re training a war robot in Chinese thanks to your Chinese conversations for the past 5 years! Oh and here’s the cheapest BBQ…you keep talking to your dad about BBQ and his bday is Saturday and we know you’re a cheapskate…but lol actually it’s 5% higher price, we just show you 10% higher prices for everything else except for the BBQ you looked at on Firefox like 10 times before… Gemini takes screenshots and tells us what you see in words.
Their monopoly is evil. But you can easily explain to me that it is for my convenience actually. What a fucking dummy I am! Ofcourse! But how come they didn’t bundle Pac-Man!? I wish packman was bundled so I could play it and it would never fail.
A reminder that you don’t own the Google Messages Service.
You either don’t understand the difference between phone functionality and Google services of just want to bitch at the world.
“You may be confusing functionality with Google Services.”
No need to be standoffish.
Naw they spammed this crack to line 10 different subs. They are just fishing for engagement bait.
other SMS apps are available that don’t require a google account
Yup that’s what I did. However, you can’t delete the original.
ADB, and rooting your phone. works like a charm, you can uninstall anything after that.
Do I loose data in the process? I’m taking full backups but not so sure if the backups will actually bring my phone back. One in particular is interesting, the 2 factor authentication app. If I root my phone and that thing is somehow changed, will I loose 2FA?
- no
- why aren’t you checking your backups??
- no.
- banking apps sometimes don’t play nice with rooted phones, but you can always sandbox them to make them think the phone isn’t rooted.
Oh interesting about banking apps. I got none, but my wife does.
If you do, you lose out on RCS. I think only Google and Samsung messages support it as of now.