Come to think of it, why did Sony even bother designing a new controller for the playstation? Atari had that handled back in the 80’s so what good did they think they were doing.
EDIT: Holy hell I just realized how insane it was for Sholes, Soule, and Glidden to develop the QWERTY typewriter. We already had pens! What a waste of time!
The whole “don’t reinvent the wheel” mantra in software development is strong, and for very good reason. When a company basically does so, repeatedly, and are repeatedly successful at it, that truly is notable.
I guess that’s just your comment though, with more words and no examples lol
It’s impressive how many times Valve goes “fine, I’ll do it myself”:
to list but very few
You mean the mouse and keyboard?
Pretty sure they meant a controller designed for use while not hunching over a desk
Dual shock?
They made their own controller if that’s what you’re asking.
Come to think of it, why did Sony even bother designing a new controller for the playstation? Atari had that handled back in the 80’s so what good did they think they were doing.
EDIT: Holy hell I just realized how insane it was for Sholes, Soule, and Glidden to develop the QWERTY typewriter. We already had pens! What a waste of time!
Others: Valve is pretty cool for making a dedicated PC controller that is a joy to use
You: BuT tHeY hAvE a DiFfReNt CoNtRoLeR dEdIcAtEd FoR sOmEtHiNg ElSe?!?1?
I forgot Valve have Stockholmed a generation of G*mers.
No, they mean this thing
Also Wayland in Linux wasn’t improving as fast as they’d like so they’re creating their own development protocol for that too lol
The whole “don’t reinvent the wheel” mantra in software development is strong, and for very good reason. When a company basically does so, repeatedly, and are repeatedly successful at it, that truly is notable.
I guess that’s just your comment though, with more words and no examples lol