Please come back when you can afford to make a purchase. Your kids are starving. Carl’s Jr. believes no child should go hungry. You are an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl’s Jr. Carl’s Jr… “Fuck You, I’m Eating.”
I’m so sick of this timeline. I can’t believe this isn’t an Onion article.
I am getting the feeling that being a women in America is kind of terrible.
About to be worse.
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This is so fucked. Wow.
If you don’t die due to our abortion laws, we’re gonna steal your kid.
DS9 “Past Tense” is a prescient episode in a lot of ways, but there’s one line that I think doesn’t get enough attention: it’s not that people don’t care, but that all the problems they face seem too big to handle.
Having a baby swiped away based on a drug test for drugs the hospital gave you is horrible. Yet, it seems to rate rather low compared to a huge list of other problems we face, and I really don’t know how to deal with that.
Here we go again more stories about hospitals and CPS services using faulty and/or cheap means of testing to “comply” with regulations at the expense of patient. Why am I not at all surprised. I used to do this testing and when the process is done correctly it works. Here’s how it’s supposed to be done. First off you get a urine from Mom on admissions BEFORE giving any medication. Then you get the meconium and urine from baby after birth. You screen all three and confirm any positive screen with a more stringent confirmation test. Then you compare the three results to get a full picture of any drug usage that may be going on. Mom’s urine will tell you if she’s using within the last 3-5 days depending on the drug with the exception of THC which can stick around longer. Meconium gives you a window of drug use that might have occurred from the second trimester and on. It’s not great to test it on its own because it’s suspectable to faulty specimen collection. (I can’t tell you how many times I got a cup of baby shit instead of real meconium. Real meconium looks like plastic, has the consistency of a mallomar, and usually has a mucus plug attached.)Then you test the baby’s first urine output to determine if they have active drug in their system now. Use all three results together to interpret the big picture. At NO point do you ever give providers the screen results before confirmation. Hospitals and legal entities should be sued into oblivion for prosecuting innocent people over bad procedure and screening results. This shit irritates me to no end.
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Oh I absolutely agree. Gabapentin being one of those “scheduled” and monitored drug about broke me in the lab. Like no one is purposely getting high off of that shit. The Sacklers ruined pain management for everyone and I hope they all burn in hell.
That’s incredible. Another headline I never would have imagined on my own.
Way to go, hospital staff. You’re doing great. /s
“I’ve decided having black eye is illegal. Now hold still as i punch you in the eye” -the people making up those same laws probably
What on earth could ever make anyone think this is ok?
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Maybe that’s the long term plan. Make this country so undesirable that nobody wants to come here anymore. Boom, immigrant “problem” solved.
Then the brain drain comes…
I’m not going to get thrown in prison for acting “gay” (for the time being).
I can tell the president to his face to kiss my ass without repercussions.
I’m not going to get drafted against my will for a special military operation and thrown into a combat zone surrounded by murderous rape-y convicts.
I’m allowed to consume foreign media and use foreign Internet services.
It sucks, but it doesn’t suck that hard yet. Be real.
- Murdered
- Go try
- Yes that never happened in the US cough cough
- What sound does a clock make?
- I’m still alive
- If I could get close enough to him, I would
- That was way before my time, and we have more than enough volunteers to cover anything thrown at the country. In fact, I think the military is way too bloated for what it does.
- Bans on government devices and distribution of the app on corporate app stores does not legally stop me from accessing it via other means, such as sideloading.
Bless your naivety, stay pure.
I can’t refute anything you said so I’m going to be a condescending asshole instead
Nope, you’re the one making assumptions. I already gave arguments, their replies were enough for me, I didn’t feel like repeating myself.
I already gave arguments
And they got destroyed, then you failed to continue the discussion
Isn’t it like midnight in Russia rn? Go the fuck to bed, Ivan
Both shit holes. Too bad RU doesn’t want to be compared to US and vice versa.
Honestly, children should probably be raised by the state anyways. You just don’t know who’s anti-science or indoctrinated with misinformation anymore these days.
Maybe RFK can raise your child.
Please don’t tell me you’re serious.
Bro, the state is anti-science
This is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve read on this site today
Are you able to tie your own shoes in the morning or do you also have someone else do it in case you do it wrong?
If you get to know someone who went through the foster system you’ll get why this take is terrible