Can’t access it from his profile, interesting.

As for the suggestion that Thompson’s murder should be an occasion to discuss America’s supposed rage at private health insurers, it’s worth pointing out that a 2023 survey from the nonpartisan health policy research institute KFF found that 81 percent of insured adults gave their health insurance plans a rating of “excellent” or “good.” Even a majority of those who say their health is “fair” or “poor” still broadly like their health insurance. No industry is perfect — nor is any health care model — and insurance companies make terrible calls all the time in the interest of cost savings. But the idea that those companies represent a unique evil in American life is divorced from the experience of most of their customers.

    6 days ago

    Can’t tell if this is satire. I hope so.

    Also, the fact that 81% of people like their health insurance is meaningless out of context. What percentage of those surveyed actually had a hospital stay I wonder? Was it the other 19%? I thought I liked my health insurance until I realized that they could deny a claim. I didn’t understand this because I’m young and healthy and haven’t had to deal with the nightmare myself.