Good to see a low cost card out there doing well.
Because this low-cost card also happens to be a powerhouse. Understated and overdelivered. Haven’t seen that for quite some time.
A rare Intel W
Love shitting on intel as their parasitic execs team gutted the company. But clearly there is still some engineering talent AND business talent left.
These benchmarks doing the marketing lol
As millennials grew up we were too eager to buy to go up market so nvidia kept taxing this behavior.
The 200-300 bucks sweetspot is the benchmark for technology, it should be accessible.
Nvidia is essentially now making cards to upper class middle aged cucks with disposable income
AI and crypto prolly had bigger impact…
But of Intel can do it, does it mean and nvodia and and is fucking us over?
I just wish the idle power consumption was better
I just wish the drivers were better.
This is what AMD should have delivered in the RX 6000 and 7000 Lineup. A card thats a hair better than Nvidia in Raster at the same price but which lacks Nvidia’s feature stack isn’t cutting it.