Apparently I only got 10minutes of deep but I feel fine and recharged. Is this normal?
I hardly get any deep sleep. Some days there’s no deep sleep at all.
Are you sleeping in the metro ?
35 minutes average. Not enough.
Mine averages between 40 mins to 1 hour 40. Never 2 hours or over. Which is sad.
CDC say 2 hour deep sleep a night is the goal
What’s the definition of Deep Sleep anyway. I expect Apple’s algorithm is different from de CDC’s. Maybe 2 hours at CDC is equivalent to 45min Apple Watch ?!
How much cocaine did you do before bed?!?
Over 1 hour every time
Anyone know what core sleep is?
What are the differences between these?
1 question, do you guys wear your watch to sleep?
54 minutes although it’s just 49 minutes on average for the last month.
usually something like these but i’m a full time student with PTSD so it makes sense and i’m working with my doctor to improve it.
if you have not seen a doctor about this or have no idea as to why you’re waking up so often you may want to get it checked out!
Are you really sleeping.
For optimal brain function you need to have atleast 1hr REM sleep and about 45mins of deep sleep on average.
Else all neurons on your brain will soon be f***ed up. I mean sleep like this for long term will lead to depression/anxiety, alziemer in your old age even bad cardiovascular condition.
I mean i average 4-6 hours of sleep everyday but my core rate is nice.