Arrested two weeks ago and not reported on by the media until right after his brother has been sent off and United have lost a big game? What took them so long to report on it and how convenient that the story finally broke tonight of all nights
Coocoo conspiracy nuts about.
The papers knew rashford was getting red today, it was planned.
Small club.
I’m not a United fan so I don’t care but this reeks of the English media looking for the most opportune time to release this news and what better day than when Rashford has been sent off.
This happened in October and is only being reported now lmaoooo.
Damn he ugly
And yet got more money than all of us lol
he looks like he’s bang in middle of the martial-rashford spectrum
Thank god for the hotel staff that saw the bloody nose and told the police, could have been much worse
Dane Rashford. Get that head of yours up immediately
You confused me for a sec there