I’d be into it. But I wouldn’t be devastated if it didn’t happen.
I’d be into it. But I wouldn’t be devastated if it didn’t happen.
Lots of sites offload payment directly to stripe, PayPal, etc. many even let you choose the provider. I don’t see why it wouldn’t work the same way.
Yes! Slip the sound board guy your discman and $20 and get a perfect recording. I remember a few times where there were a stack of discmans and walkmans (Walkman?) recording.
Only “now”?
AI Forensics, a European non-profit that investigates influential and opaque algorithms, found that nudity uploaded to Instagram and Facebook as a normal user was promptly removed for violating Meta’s Community Standards. The same exact visuals were not removed when they were uploaded as ads, showing that Meta has a different standard for enforcement when it’s getting paid to push images in front of users.
Oh damn. This sounds like willful intent to me.
I knew the punchline before reading it and still chuckled.
Ah damnit so I did. The rest of the numbers are true, just not as close to the 1kg’s worth as noted.
A kilo of gold is worth about $193k currently, which depending on where you live and how old you are means different things. For example, if that was your whole net worth and you are a Baby Boomer in the US you’d be about $1.5M below the average family. If you’re under 35, though, you’d be slightly above average. (Via kiplinger)
FWIW because the top 1% have so much wealth they skew the average significantly - overall the median net wealth in the US is right around that $193k number, but the average is just over $1M, which is pretty amazing.
$200K in net wealth would just about put you into the global top 10% and into the top 1% if those were your earnings for the year.
Are they at least 3rd-hand, (or more) spurious sources with an inscrutable chain of custody
Is there any other kind?
ok, but what about three Youtube videos?
The main findings from the Economic Index’s first paper are:
- Today, usage is concentrated in software development and technical writing tasks. Over one-third of occupations (roughly 36%) see AI use in at least a quarter of their associated tasks, while approximately 4% of occupations use it across three-quarters of their associated tasks.
- AI use leans more toward augmentation (57%), where AI collaborates with and enhances human capabilities, compared to automation (43%), where AI directly performs tasks.
- AI use is more prevalent for tasks associated with mid-to-high wage occupations like computer programmers and data scientists, but is lower for both the lowest- and highest-paid roles. This likely reflects both the limits of current AI capabilities, as well as practical barriers to using the technology.
Interesting, not really surprising, and nowhere near as entertaining as when Pornhub does it’s annual introspection.
I offhandedly whistled that tune in a crowded area the other day and someone nearby turned around and said “ are you whistling the dishwasher song?” 😂
The world is run by middle-of-the-curve people.
this could be one of those bell curve memes where the low end and high end are the moron/jedi guys saying “just print more money” and the middle of curve has a freshman Econ student trying to explain macroeconomics.
The “innovation” in the article is passive tech for fiber to the room (FTTR), specifically made to be low cost and easier to implement. It’s also how your computer might get that 50Gbit - it’ll have to be wired in with a fiber connection. It’s not happening over WiFi (or even Ethernet)
I keep a box of citric acid crystals around for this and the coffee pot/espresso machine. It descales as well as vinegar (for the kettle I just put a few scoops in and boil with water) and there’s no aftertaste/smell like there is with vinegar.
Neat. AI slop about AI slop.
I think “good” and “bad” are hard terms to apply to people objectively, but I do believe that most people value social coherence and are willing to do (the minimum amount of) something to maintain it. If you can’t believe at least that it means that all of those thin blue line people are right, and I’m just not willing to believe that’s true.
In Florida it’s about 50-50