Some cultures are very gregarious and lively. They like loud music, speak to each other loudly, etc.

Which cultures have you found to be more reserved? Not necessarily cold or rude, just not as loud in public?

  • Flimsy-Back-4396@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    As a Chilean that has remained stuck in Norway for nearly 38 years I must say: Norwegians

    Norwegians most seem cold and distant, you might even get weird looks as you pass by (regardless of who you are or what the color of your skin is, mostly, there are racist I won’t tell anyone flattering lies)

    But then, you muster up the guts to say hi to them (or like me, you go “Hello, now why the hell are you staring at me?” with a friendly tonality) many if not most of them will go “Oh yeah sorry! I just realized you moved into the neighborhood and was worried because you haven’t said anything”

    Norwegians are a proud, strong, resilient, beautiful and extremely skilled and hardworking people…

    But they are shy, reserved, and if I so might say so, compared to a Chilean (and cultures most) quite cold, they rarely need or want companionship in all but ONE single aspect

    When they drink, you can tell that much of their “coldness” comes from repressing emotions, a typical true Norwegian will turn super charming, overwhelmingly friendly, guys and girls will immediately fall in love (with whatever gender is closest, alcohol and Norwegian do not necessarily mean hetero)

    …And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how little Norwegians are made

    …And if you seem to find that there are very few young Norwegians in Norway these days, then you now know why, so if you tell me something like "Hey! We Norwegians do NOT go around having sex shamelessly even though we are drunk…

    …Then you also know why there aren’t many tiny Norwegians around

    Oh, and many girls seem to fall in love with guys from other countries, I myself would say that it is because I once had lots of “Latino heat” (but now as a widower I cannot speak of such for myself)

    …Maybe less said the better, but for me it seems like girls are often more attracted to the outgoing foreigner, than the reserved stalwart Viking

    But that’s just my viewpoint, and I might absolutely be very wrong (Currently came home from speaking with my Norwegian ex, which is married to a Turkish dude, they have eight children, while the typical Norwegian couple has like 1.5 per household)

    You do the math

    • MKtheMaestro@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Everybody can do the math about having children in a Muslim culture lol. Silly to compare Western cultures to any Muslim culture in this aspect.

      • motheroflittleneb@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        Turkey’s birthrate does not differ that much to Norway i’d say (1.92 to 1.58). Iran (another Muslim country) has a birthrate of 1.71. They’re all below the replenishment rate. And if we’re going to make the refugee argument, Turkey hosts 5 million.

    • iStoleTheHobo@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      You are incorrect, birthrates in Norway are on the high end in an European context. But since no European nation has a birthrate at or above replacement rate (2.2 children per woman if I recall correctly) you’d be right to say that there aren’t many young Norwegians, though there aren’t that many young Europeans in general. These trends can typically be generalized fairly well to most ‘highly developed’ economies, the same holds true for North America. But you’re probably right; not enough immigrants for Norwegian women to get impregnated by.

    • anjqas@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Eight children? Yikes.

      What do people have in mind when they make so many children in today’s age? Can they even afford to give healthy food, good education and some financial help to all these children?

      And most importantly, can they give enough attention, love and care to all the children? Sounds highly unlikely

      • Flimsy-Back-4396@alien.topB
        10 months ago

        That’s the thing sir anjqas:

        We cannot speak for all, because while I can tell you that here in Norway the state will pay in aid for people with lots of children (Especially if neither them or the parents understand the language, something I personally do not like, but accept), there are many other reasons, too

        too many to call them “exceptions”

        You see, Turks that immigrate here in Norway are mostly wealthy, In this case my ex’s husband is a wine taster/sampler, of the kind that can tell you the month, the day, the hour that wine was made, and from where in the world (to the EXACT place, what type of dirt it was grown in, everything) he also imports and exports wine (I don’t know from where, because while I am fan of his profession, I don’t like him for the simple reason that I like his wife)

        As implies, he’s wealthy, very wealthy, he arrives to pick her up in a different (and giant) car every time she’s around

        Oh… And for sake of consistency, none of the children are hers (Jesus… She’s now a Muslim and raising eight kids that aren’t even hers… We spoke about that yesterday, given she’s both my friend and my ex from years ago I can’t help but shake my angry head) I had always assumed she was the mother to a couple at least