I’ve checked out Cigna and Allianz for their rumored superior emergency, and evacuation coverage. Of course Outpatient (cold / flu, OBGYN, stomach bugs, etc) is not included and to add this it’ll cost between $900 - $1200 a year. Neither is dental or vision.

Pre-existing migraine and IBS which I only need outpatient care for 2-3 times a year. Get sick 1-2 a year, sometimes get the stomach bug or bronchitis, sometimes need to go to OBGYN for checkup or yeast infection or something benign like that. Just need regular preventative dental and vision care, no cavities or glasses. Definitely do need therapy, lol.

I’m wondering if it might actually be cheaper to pay out of pocket instead of purchasing a plan like this? I’ll only be in Eastern Europe which supposedly has very reasonable medical prices. Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, B&H, Bulgaria, Romania, Kosovo, Macedonia.