hello everyone. sorry if this post isn’t on topic with the subreddit, i didn’t know where else to turn.

i’m 21 years old, i moved to austria a year ago after spending the last 2 years prior learning german and applying to university here. when i was younger i always wanted to move out as soon as i could because i never felt welcomed in my hometown, i had little to no friends and i had nothing to lose, i thought moving to a new country would help me establish myself better so that i could make friends and form a better life (i’m from the balkans). however, a year prior to moving, i realized i had built connections that i didn’t want to lose and i found a reason to stay, but i committed too much time to this and my parents invested a lot of money for me to be able to move and so i felt compelled to go through with it. and here i am.

after going home for the summer i realized even more that i wanted to stay there and that austria made me miserable. i don’t have any friends, i barely feel at home, and german is becoming harder and harder the more i learn it. i have a history of struggling with symptoms of depression, social anxiety, autism and just generally feeling like i’m not like other people my whole life, and that only intensified as i got further into my studies and landed my first ever job. i make a lot of embarrassing mistakes at work that i cry over on my time off, i have not been able to make a single friend with any of my classmates or coworkers, and i constantly feel like i’m doing something wrong. i have been crying almost every day since i came back here after summer break, i have panic attacks often, i barely contact my family at home because it makes me unbearably sad to be away from the only people that make my life easier, i go days without talking to anyone outside of the few hours i spend at university, i barely sleep, i barely eat, and i don’t feel like taking care of myself on most days.

i’ve made the choice to start packing my bags and go home after this semester is over, after much crying and weighing the outcomes. i have yet to tell my parents (i’m scared of their reactions), but i know for sure if i stay here any longer i might end up doing something drastic. my questions now lie in the formalities, as i’ve never had to do any of this before. how do i quit my job? who do i talk to? is there any way i can quit without having to state a reason other than i’m moving back home? is it a problem that i’ve only been working since october this year and i plan to go back home at the end of february next year? do i have to turn in my residence permit or do i just have to let it expire on its own? how do i close a bank account? i guess i’m asking how one would go about all this. i’m very lost and very stressed, so if anyone can help me it would be much appreciated. if not, please be so kind as to advise me where i could post about this or what i could do in real life to get some help. anything is appreciated. thank you

  • DivineAlmond@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I traveled across various countries and cultures but Vienna was the dullest place I have ever seen

    I wanted to get out of the place asap lol

    • GiovanniVanBroekhoes@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Vienna is an amazing city. If you end up just walking around the first district I can imagine it coming across as very dull. It’s not a very obvious city in so far as you really need to know where you are going, but it has great bars and restaurants, loads of thrown up bars that you really need to where to go to find them. And it’s relatively cheap compared to other capital cities. Even just the museums on their own are worth a few days.