Currently living in AUS/NZ with SO. We’re going to be trying for a kid soon, but we have no support network here and no family to help out. I think we should move back to the States, where I’m 100% certain family members would come to help us out for as long as we needed. Given the distance, that just wouldn’t happen if we stayed in AUS/NZ. SO thinks we can just handle it on our own.

We wouldn’t need to find new jobs, as we can just transfer internally. Would taking advantage of your home support network be enough of a reason to back to your home country?

  • knz-rn@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Yeah, I saw that anyone who spoke poorly of the US got downvoted lol. It’s fine, i feel like i am fairly qualified to speak on this post as a healthcare worker who has worked in the US and NZ.

    Also my husband and I were fence sitters about having children when we lived in the US. once we moved to NZ the world didn’t seem so bleak and we decided we do actually want to have kids, just not in the US lol