What bad video game do you love playing

  • Pondicek@alien.topB
    1 year ago

    I actually even enjoy it solo. It might be a shit Resident Evil, but it’s a fun action game on its own. I finished it solo 3 times in my life (Amateur on first playthrough, Normal on second, and I recently deleted my save and played it again on Amateur while I was playing through the whole series), and I plan on S-ranking No Hope someday. The melee combat is pretty fun and it’s so satisfying when you land a counter-attack. The quick-shots are also pretty cool and in general, I love over-the top action.

    I did finish like 2 campaigns with a friend in split-screen (Ada and I don’t remember the second one) and just like another commenter here, we were laughing at the co-op partner just being a random Agent who can’t do anything on his own and just teleports wherever he needs to be (Ada uses her grappling pistol to get somewhere? Agent’s already there). Our headcannon was that Ada has schizophrenia XD.

    I also finished 5 with a friend, and while there were some frustrations (It was our first ever playthrough of the game and we were playing it on Veteran), it was ultimately fun, especially because we created a shit-load of inside jokes. And whenever there was a single basic enemy, we just pulled out our knives and stunlocked them to death. That said, I’m not playing that game again. I doubt I’d get either of my friends to play it again and I’m not playing it solo (Sheva’s AI being the biggest reason).