Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • @just_kitten@aussie.zone
    1110 months ago

    Sometimes the emotional release from a really good, dense therapy session is just… The whole body feels it. Something has been unblocked and is moving… but there is no fucking way I’m going to be able to do much else today. I arranged to meet up with a friend tonight, I would’ve asked for a rain check if it weren’t for the fact that I will probably have to give back the car in 6 days and I might not see her again for another 3 weeks until I finish housesitting, and all things considered it’s better for me to stay connected in person. (I don’t need to cook anything at least as I’ll be heating up premade food).

    Think I’ll lie down and nap for a while - I feel like I’m giving into maladaptive procrastination by giving myself permission to put off everything else till tomorrow, including work.

    But: it’s nothing mission critical, nobody else is relying on me for it, and I need to remember that nobody is going to be severely damaged by my doing that. On balance, this is a wise and intelligent and responsible thing to do given the bigger picture. Good afternoon. 💤

    • @jaybb3rw0cky@aussie.zone
      510 months ago

      I love those sessions. It’s nourishing for the soul. And the feeling usually lingers (at least it does for me) for a while, unlike a run-of-the-mill session which often just feels like a tune up. Having a session where things just seem to click… yeap, that shit is top notch.

  • bull⚡
    1110 months ago

    Spent $35 AUD taking cabs to the cinema (can’t drive, high), was enjoying what must be the best cinema I’ve ever sat in. Was going to rave about it on here once the movie was finished but 3/4 through the film the projector died. Got given a refund for my ticket ($5) but overall I’m taking an L today.

    I did get a free donut from Dunkin’ so it’s not a complete bust!

  • @TinyBreak@aussie.zone
    1110 months ago

    Update on the car situation. Not good. Gotta spend about 3k to just get diagnostics done. Initial quotes for repairs (assuming what we think is wrong with it is wrong) 20k. And that’s parts alone. So yeah, facing the very real prospect of selling it for parts and writing off a 17k asset for like maybe a grand or 2.

    • @MeanElevator@aussie.zone
      1010 months ago

      There’s always the prospect of the car getting stolen and disappeared. Just be sure to have all GPS units and such in proper working order, just in case of course.

      • @TinyBreak@aussie.zone
        610 months ago

        No joke, I fired up the vpn the other day to google how one might go about that. Mostly out of curiosity. But even if I parked it at Dandenong station with the key in it I can’t garantee someone can steal if since it may not run long enough to be stolen.

  • @melbourne_wanderer@aussie.zone
    1010 months ago

    have been having an overall shitty week, but made myself a beautiful, colourful veggie stir-fry for lunch, and took the dogs I’m looking after for a long walk, so am overall feeling positive. Is it the weekend yet?

    • @MeanElevator@aussie.zone
      610 months ago

      I think we’re having the same week. Mine is, sadly, dogless however.

      Really trying to manifest Friday afternoon already but it aint’ happening.

  • @Electronic_Owl@aussie.zone
    1010 months ago

    Our local council (Kingston) has released an app to tell you what bins to put out depending on which collection week it is. The app is called ‘Binston’ lol

    I feel like this is a solution to a problem nobody has

  • @Electronic_Owl@aussie.zone
    910 months ago

    Flying solo tonight, Mrs_Owl is in the city for farewell drinks. I’ve got pizza dough going in the bread-maker ready for some free-range salami and cheese, and a bunch of limes for a cheeky Margarita or two.

  • @Outlier1031@aussie.zone
    810 months ago

    So a job that I applied for back when work shit was hitting the fan a few weeks ago, called me this week and I had a phone interview with them yesterday. Some how made it through even though I felt like a complete imposter. Today I have to do a psychometric test and not sure what to expect. The company is one that is a ethical employer and has a solid reputation, so i think the psychometric test is to make sure I would be a good cultural fit before the actual first round interview. Arggggggh so nervous.

  • @WeatherproofMonkey@aussie.zone
    710 months ago

    Cutting back down my work at work days to 2 days a week. 3 days a week was too much and I don’t need to impress anyone any more (been at the new job for 3 months and I figured that’s long enough to show I can fit in the team and do my work )

  • @melbaboutown@aussie.zone
    10 months ago

    Stressing about the reliability of the electrical grid this summer.

    The reason being I’m not able to regulate my own body temperature properly.

    I had plans to have a tiny solar car battery to at least run some cooling or keep phone charged in blackouts or brownouts but I haven’t had the energy to troubleshoot low output or fix some wires that got damaged. And even it might not even be enough power to run cooling.

    So angry at the fuckwits that kept refusing and blocking renewables because coal was more profitable. Now we’re left scrambling and as always the elderly, very young, poor or disabled will cop it hardest.

    • @TinyBreak@aussie.zone
      410 months ago

      Couple of little USB power packs and a little USB fan or 2 would make all the difference. Block out blinds and keep the freezer stick with an ice cube tray. Absolute worst case a cold Facewasher or feet in some cold water can make all the difference!