There’s a quote from Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders that has stuck with me ever since I heard it. For those that have never played, one of the campaigns features a character named Kendal. In the opening scene of his campaign one of his companions gives him something and asks “What should we do?” The reply is a simple “keep moving.” I think about this moment a lot when I am uncertain about things. Anyone else have a similar thing?
For some reason in Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath, a game I really enjoyed but only played once years ago near its launch. There’s a line in the ending, I don’t even remember the full context, I think maybe you end up destroying a dam or something that was keeping the water from the people.
“Is the water…free?”
It was said by an NPC I think? I’ve remember that line ever since, I don’t know why.
For some reason this hits harder than it should, being so skeptic of free water, jesus