Is this a common knowledge? Is this an old feature? I accidentally found about it few days ago.
Also, if you hit the “
” key, it will show you over two dozen keyboard shortcuts.Left+? or something else?
You can also use the spacebar.
No idea how long it’s been a feature, I only found it recently.
Wait, didn’t spacebar pause the video for awhile? I haven’t used desktop YouTube in a hot minute, so I might be completely misremembering or conflating it with a VLC hotkey.
It does if you tap it, but holding down speeds up the video.
Oh, nice. Ty for the tip.
Now that’s a pro tip! Thanks!
I found out because sometimes my finger will involuntarily press down without me noticing. Lol
I watch an unhealthy amount of YouTube and never knew this. Nifty.
This is awesome! I’m often trying to reassemble old guns I get on the cheap to refurbish, and being mechanically challenged, I need to speed through the bits I don’t need and go over and over the fine details. Be helpful for the same reason when working on my car.
This is pretty new. They gave me a popup when they added it a couple months ago.
The Enhancer for YouTube extension add some nice features as well.
Yeah, scrolling over video speed icon is really nice.
Is there any way to speed it up on a Roku device?
Same with the Android app. It used to let you swipe left and right to move backward and forward in the video, but now it just does the 2x speed thing.
Swiping left/right to seek only works if the video is paused apparently
Oh! Thank you!
I have several JavaScript commands in a bookmark folder that speed up videos and I’ve noticed that almost every video is better at 1.1x speed (I have like a dozen different speeds for slower and faster set up), like it sounds normal. I’m convinced that all the people putting out 20+ minute videos are slowing them down ever so slightly to make them longer. Pair this with Sponsorblock and you can cut huge amounts of pointless time out of videos.
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