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The original was posted on /r/buildapc by /u/Gambl33 on 2023-09-01 00:05:18+00:00.

I’m trying to decide which part I should upgrade at the moment. It’s either the gpu(1080ti) or the cpu(R53600). I can definitely afford the cpu but the gpu is a bit of a stretch but I should still be able to. I was thinking either a 3070 or a 5800x. I think I’m good right now but I’d like to upgrade something for better gaming soon. I’m curious how the 1080ti holds up. Is it comparable to any of the 3000 series or am I far behind? I also play on a 1080p monitor btw. I’m also confused because I always head 1080ti might have been ahead of it’s time but isn’t it like generations behind?

The R53600 has been a magical cpu. Carried me this entire time. But starting to think it’s close to the minimum requirement soon for games. I’ve been looking at a R75800x and like what I’m seeing. It’s also a lot cheaper to upgrade the cpu than the gpu from what I’m seeing. I do have a b450 max board so it can take the new cpu out the box.

Idk let me know what you guys think? Cpu or gpu? Maybe wait for a sale soon?