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The original was posted on /r/buildapc by /u/GemberShotje on 2023-08-31 17:53:25+00:00.
Hey r/buildapc,
I’m currently looking to build (for the first time) a new desktop PC primarily for game development work in Unreal Engine and Unity. Performance is my top priority since I’ll be working on graphically intensive projects.
However, I also want this PC to be relatively future-proof and upgradable. What components or features should I prioritize if I want to easily swap parts out down the road instead of replacing the entire system?
Additionally, I’m wondering what a ‘wise’ amount is to spend on this, I’m trying to balance performance now with longevity. Is it better to spend (for example) $3,000 on a maxed out rig today? Or go with a $1,500 system now and budget another $1,500 for upgrades in a couple years? At what point do diminishing returns make high-end components not worth the price premium?
Any advice from on optimizing my build/budget for development work is much appreciated!