Imagine that the Wright brothers’ first experiments with flying machines all failed because the automobile interests sabotaged each and every test flight. And then the good and god-fearing folk of the world looked upon this, took notice of the consequences, nodded their collective heads wisely, and intoned solemnly: Humans shall never fly.
You don’t have to imagine because in Canada and the US, that’s exactly what happened with trains. Now the two countries are extremely car dependent and barely have any trains, despite the fact that trains are really great.
And for a very recent example, there’s Elon Musk trying to prevent high speed rail with his incredibly dumb hyperloop or whatever they’re calling it. The freaking tunnel for cars that tries to poorly emulate a subway.
hyperloop or whatever they’re calling it. The freaking tunnel for cars
You’re conflating two different things. Musk’s tunnels and the hyperloop are different ideas.
I don’t understand this analogy. Why does capitalism have a gun but communism doesn’t?
The gun is a metaphor for, among other things, US backed coups. Sanctions against Cuba are another example.
This is an old meme format where the foreground character shoots the background character, then blames the flaws of the background character on something unrelated to being shot.
The gun is a metaphor for, among other things, US backed coups. Sanctions against Cuba are another example.
That doesn’t answer the question.
This is an old meme format
LOL I know what the meme is.
It answers the question if you’re not stupid
I disagree.
It really does, the meme is about how Capitalist countries (namely the US) will sabotage Socialist countries, then use that as proof that “communism doesn’t work”. Such as flattening North Korea in the Korean war, or embargoing Cuba.
If you understand the meme format, it shouldn’t be hard to understand the implication of the meme.
So capitalist countries harmed other countries and hence in the meme capitalism has a gun. Therefore in the meme, communism should also have a gun.
I asked:
“Why does capitalism have a gun but communism doesn’t?”
That question hasn’t been answered.