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The original was posted on /r/ubiquiti by /u/MrJoeM on 2023-08-31 20:01:17+00:00.

I’m looking for technical details on implementation of both WAN load balance and failover for UDM-SE. Honestly, the more detailed and nitty gritty the better.

Big questions I have:

How does the load balance happen? Is there any stickiness? By local port? By local IP? By remote IP? By tuple?

When failover occurs what actions does the UDM take? RST open TCP connections? Copy PAT table to other interface? Does uPNP support migrate over? Including existing NAT tunnels?

What methods are used to detect a failed connection? Just link? Ping next hop? Access to some known reliable internet source?

What about failback? Is old prefailover states preserved on things like port maps? Or is it clean? Or handled in the same manner as initial failover? Is there any kind of hysteresis?

Right now, I’ll take anything. I just want to understand how this thing is going to behave. All I have really been able to find is people saying: “I turned it on and it works”. I definitely have preferences on how these details should work, so configuration of behaviors would be nice. It’s not essential though, I can tell my users in this case to pound sand if they don’t like it.