Hey, German here. What the f*** are Americans doing at the other side of the Atlantic? Some of you already know this monstrosity. I did’nt. This is a Ford F650 Truck and when I stepped out of my Youtube Bubble I realized, it was marketed as the “biggest, baddest Truck on the road” for the everyday American. Are you guys serious?! Is the end goal really to drive a Monster Truck to McDs to get a McFlurry? Americas bloodiest wars have been fought in the middle east to secure oil, bombing nations to rubble. And all, for this bullshit? The excess, waste and decadence is mind boggling to me and people on Reddit seriously justifying this by “you know dude I’m 6,4ft. I don’t fit in any other vehicle” makes me go up the wall.
If you want to be even more outraged by American stupidity, look up “rolling coal”. In short, morons buy large trucks like this and purposely detune their emissions systems to run poorly, decreasing fuel efficiency and spewing soot laden exhaust. The only purpose to do this is to piss off liberals, apparently.
You’re joking? Oh my,… you’re not.
The best part (/s) is when they purposefully drive in front of people with a ‘wimpy’ car, like a hybrid or EV or a car that isn’t fuckhuge, and intentionally spews smog behind them.
Very mature folk, very stable, very safe to be around, as I’m sure you can tell.
Where I live, you get up to two years in jail for brake-checking someone, and a potentially life-altering fine if you cut off a pedestrian. Cops are extremely strict about cars endangering others because they’re very easy charges. I’d love to see their reaction to rolling coal.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone brake-checking in my country. It’s almost always videos from the US.
Probably because drivers’ education in the USA is a fucking joke and licenses are handed out like candy. New drivers inherit the flaws and bad manners from their parents because they’re not required to be trained by a certified instructor.
No, it’s because enforcement is a joke, not licensing.
One of the things that’s hard for a European to understand is how shoddy and capricious law enforcement in North America can be. You know those lovely conditional speed limits that Germany has? No way that works in North America because the police won’t do anything except sit in their interceptors on the last two days of they month doing speed traps.
Swerve, fail to signal, brake-check, basically drive like you’re Bumblebee in Michael Bay’s Transformers 2, that’s fine. Just stay below the speed limit on the last two days of the month.
Or bikes
and remember - they vote too!
When I see those assholes I pull up next to them and tell them to pull over so I can fart in their mouth.
Where is the 2nd ammendment if you need it?
Sadly they are not, the people that do it are the worst kind of asshole. They generally like to “roll coal” while passing electric or hybrid cars, covering them with soot. The spend thousands of dollars to be as obnoxious and wasteful as possible, all to spite “the liberals”.
They are proud of their exploits.
It’s the best possible way to spot who was the bottom 10% of the high school class.
That’s how i feel when i see a MAGA or FuckTrudeu sticker on a vehicle
do they wear face coverings
You know this is by no means a common vehicle right? I’ve never seen one outside of a few pictures only found on anti-car posts. F350s are even rare to see on the roads, F150s are more common than grass and F250s are a daily sight unfortunately.
This isn’t even a 350
This is a heavily modified F650(750?). They took a commercial truck and slapped a pickup truck body on it. It’s comically useless, and costs 150 thousand dollars.
Here’s a video where a guy reviews it.
150k is about how much you’ll pay for a RAM here in Australia - and dickheads are still buying them.
Ah, the worst of the American trucks.
For that much money I could clean out an entire used truck lot, and have enough left over for another entire used truck lot, and I would have like 30 Dodge rams. So enough to make one last most of the rest of the year.
We call them Dodge Deweys (DUIs) because of that factoid that the Ram 2500 has the most drivers of any truck brand/model with a DUI under their belt.
Literally. Rams are horrible
I try so hard to convince myself it’s selection bias, but Ford Ranger drivers really do feel like the absolute worst fucking drivers on the roads in Australia. Like I don’t see a single one that doesn’t drive like an absolute fucking loser.
These American and American-style shitheaps are a fucking scourge
While there’s probably some correlation, the Ranger is also the best selling car in Australia - so there’s lots of them.
Recently I was in a friend’s car and couldn’t believe how badly he drove; too fast into corners then not managing to stay in his lane, limit breaking to every traffic light then stopping over the line, speeding, weaving, etc and he drives a Volvo! I figured that at least I’d probably be safe when he crashed.
Yea I know, I didn’t say it was a 350 lol
What, it exists?! I thought it was some digital creation inspired by a 350, already an awful huge truck.
Edit: had to look at Ford’s website. The biggest pickup I could find there is an F450 Super Duty. There’s both an F650 and 750 as trucks without beds (“straight frame”). Those actual trucks.
Yeah, it’s not a stock truck. You can’t go to any dealership and buy that truck. You have to buy a commercial truck and take it to a company to turn it in to that monstrosity.
Your average half ton pickup is 70-80k now.
You actually probably see a lot of F250s and F350s, but they are used as commercial vehicles, often with stuff bolted to the bed (or in the case of the F350, sold without a bed and have aftermarket attachments).
Many tow trucks are F350s/F450s (and bigger for towing bigger vehicles), ambulances are often F550s, bucket trucks are F650s/F750s, etc.
For people who actually do a lot of hauling trailers and such, an F-250 is very sensible. Half ton pickups often have drivetrain failures when asked to haul heavy loads on the regular.
A full set of mobile mechanic tools is too much weight for half ton truck, without materials. Bigger pickups make sense for people who work trades, especially heavy ones.
Many of such tradespeople don’t have a second vehicle, especially if they bought the truck themselves (self-employed) or if their company provides and doesn’t care if they do their life stuff with it (basically free gas if you don’t abuse the privilege.)
F250 is super common for construction fleet vehicles.
Yea that’s why I said they’re a daily sight. The picture in OP is a f650 though and those are very uncommon
F150s are for the weekender dads that occasionally need to haul something around. F250s and 350s are for people that actually work (usually) this monstrosity is bullshit, anyone that genuinely needs that much truck buys an actual semi or something.
Living full time in an RV I purchased a 2500 (F-250 equivalent). I have put as much if not more miles on the thing than the “working man” (sitting about 22,000 for this year). I do agree it is a monster of a vehicle and I do try to only use it for the towing of the RV. Any chance I get I’m riding my bike. A semi for this situation is overkill and an absurd price difference compared to the 2500.
The Econoline (and maybe the Transit) seems to be the vehicle of choice for people who actually work.
Vans don’t work for a lot of people that need a pick up bed.
I’m Dutch. I’ve never seen an f150 in the flesh (metal?). I know one guy with a large pickup, he has two very tall kids and has his own business. My parents had what was considered a large car, a Citroën Berlingo.
Suv’s are becoming much more common though, and they are already often too big for our roads.
F150s are as ubiquitous in the US as Renault Clios or equivalent for you
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There is bigger, the f750 exists, is also fully customizable for commercial needs like dump truck duty or heavy hauling not needing a Peterbilt semi. There is a use case for these or they wouldn’t be made.
They absolutely are not commuter/weekend warrior vehicles like people use the f150 for and you’ll probably never see the 650 or 750 and recognize it
It’s common where I live.
The f650 is not common anywhere fuck off with that blatant lie
I don’t know how common it is, I don’t want to blurt a wrong opinion about it.
That said, a friend of mine went to the US to work as a construction manager for a few months and he was given an F750 for the time he was there by the construction company. It was kitted with a small box that was too high to actually use and really they only used it to posture about how important their position was.
I understand this might not be common at all, I’m not saying it is, I just want you to understand how this doesn’t happen anywhere else at all.
It’s just that, it is such a crazy thing to exist that it just boggles the mind. It’s excessive even for most commercial applications.
If I see three in an hour drive, that seems common enough to me. Go kiss your mother with that sewer mouth.
You clearly can’t tell the difference between truck models
The F650 is a commercial vehicle. You can’t buy one from Ford without a commercial account with them. You need a CDL to drive it. They’re uncommon to see, and when you do, they’re invariably used to do actual work.
No, they’re not used just to drive to McDonald’s.
This is a really braindead and disingenuous take. The F650 is a commercial vehicle. Attempting to pretend that “Americans” drive these is moronic, because the number of private citizens who drive one of these as a personal vehicle is probably in the triple digits in a country with a population of 332,000,000.
I know it’s fasionable to farm for upvotes these days by blaring AMERICANS BIG TRUCKS BAD. But no one is “driving these to McD’s to get a McFlurry.” Very, very few people own one of these just to be “decadent.”
You may as well get on your high horse about Americans driving big rigs all the time while you’re at it. Because they totally do!!! (It’s true!) Ones who are truck drivers, you know, delivering the goods you rely on every day.
On the very outside edge of the graph, there are probably a few outliers who own one of these to tow something enormous: A big horse trailer or a box trailer with their airplane in it or something. I have never seen one of these on the road that wasn’t an actual commercial vehicle like a tow truck or similar.
The problem with obviously ridiculous whinging like this is that it dilutes the actual useful message, which is that America’s transportation infrastructure is fucked up, and our reliance on fossil fuels (not just trucks) is Too Damn High.
The year is 2068. Everyone takes the bus to work. Their own personal bus.
Ok, see to put thin in context a little bit, this truck is not for, nor is it even marketed towards regular people. This is a modular truck, so this is going to be converted into ambulances, tow trucks, bucket trucks, etc. This one does have a bed on it, but they had to get one from like an F-350 and modify it to get it to fit. And while you can buy this truck, it’s not really a thing on roads here.
Just to add to this, and affirm that it’s not intended to be a “go to McDonald’s” truck, here is the actual product page for this model where it is marketed as a commercial vehicle.
No truck is intended to be a “go to McDonalds” truck. Yet, here we are.
This isn’t true any more, look at any modern consumer pickup truck e.g. Ford F150. The bed is ludicrously small and high, it’s got a fast, low torque petrol engine and transmission, the cabin is large and comfortable. It’s designed to be a normal car and that’s what it’s used for.
Btw… German car companies built those monstrosities…
The Unimog U500 was more or less just a marketing gag, but the G63 was a real thing…
Can confirm. We have 2 Dodge Ram 550s for our ambulances. And the photo clearly has F-550 on the sides.
It also needs a CDL to drive it.
By all means, criticize things like the Lariat or King Ranch trims of the F150. Those add luxury features that clearly have no work purpose. The F250 on up, though, is mostly for people who get shit done.
Well played, you answered the German with logic
This is custom made by a shop. Ford sells the front end and cab, and a small shop builds the rest.
It’s prohibitively expensive to the point of being a non issue. U need to calm down bro.
These are novelty vehicles for the ultra wealthy. “Normal” pickups are already comically large and ripe for mockery, no need to hyperbolize
This is a work truck for commercial use. The bed in this image is an aftermarket mod done by someone with more money than sense. OP is just outrage baiting.
This is a work truck for commercial use, that is an overengineered abomination.
That cannot support large equipment, has no PTO, cannot safely carry a cherry picker, will not pull a low-loader 5th wheel trailer with a full load, run a flat-bed with a winch for towing cars, or carry 7 CY of wet soil in a dumper.
Commercial operations buy things based on their needs. There’s a reason why the small truck you’ve posted is almost non-existent in the US.
There’s a reason why the small truck you’ve posted is almost non-existent in the US.
Yes, it’s called overcompensating. You think other countries don’t do infrastructure and heavy machinery?
Do you just search the internet for vague American shit to get mad about? Been all over this country and I’ve never seen one of these outside commercial use.
I used to drive an F650
In the military
For my job
It was a truck to refuel aircraft.
People don’t drive these on the roads, but our trucks are too big.
I’m not defending the truck or America but I don’t think that one is common outside of industry. I live in the South and have never seen one. F150’s are very common, you see F250’s here and there, and F350s are basically exclusively work trucks. I didn’t even know it went up to F650 (the F750 apparently exists but seems like it’s really only for industry).
Ford’s web site has them “starting at” $80k but without a bed or any consumer features. It seems like they’re more the base for order things like fleets of tow trucks or dump trucks. I’m sure a mega rich person can buy one but it’s probably a weird custom thing that costs $200,000 and is missing whatever creature comforts go into vanity trucks.
650s and 750s make up most of those electric service vehicles (huge boxes of tools over the wheels and maybe a cherry picker) and Ambulances. Since ambulances are private businesses (not owned by a hospital wouldn’t you know it.) They purchase their fleets and commission a box for the back. That’s why you see so many different vehicles that look “converted” - because they are!
I’m not discounting your experience but I grew up and lived in Georgia for most of my life, and you are right that f150s are very common, but I remember many more 250s than here and there, I’ve only been gone two years
And I’m sure there are no over the top vehicles in Germany…
There are some morons here that are buying American made “trucks”. More and more unfortunately, but it’s still pretty rare. Luckily it’s damn inconvenient to drive or park them in many places here.
How about sports cars with 12 cylinders? How many super cars are made in Europe?
Sadly they are becoming more by the day. The amount of Hiluxes is also steadily increasing in my neighborhood.
Saw one the yesterday in Oklahoma. They look like gaint Tonka toys and are stupid. But Chevy made one in the early 2000’s guess Ford wants into it now.
These should be outlaw. And I know how to solve the rolling coal but we need to bring back inspections for vehicles to sholve it.
It’s a medium duty truck. The 550 and 650 are most commonly found acting as either tow trucks or heavy machinery repair. Outlawing them is preposterous as they serve a purpose.
Since they’re sold incomplete (without a bed), maybe he means outlawing them being modified like this one with a silly bed? Either way, I’m pretty sure you need a commercial air-brake license to drive this thing in most jurisdictions.
One I saw had a bed and was pulling a trailer. It was loud as fuck.
To be fair, Ford doesn’t really make the final product here. They make the cab and chassis without a bed, and they’re then shipped off to companies that turn them into commercial trucks like large tow trucks. But some company started buying them, slapping on a pickup truck bed, a lift, and a bunch of cheesy accessories and 'Murica flags, then charge idiots $100,000 more than they’re worth so they can own the Libruls.
They’re so rare to see that I’m not even mad, as long as some dipshit is wasting his life savings on this instead of donating it to shit politicians.
Edit: Ford doesn’t even make or offer a pickup truck bed for these. IIRC, these beds are from F-250/350s and modded to fit.
Maybe not that recent “https://www.worktruckonline.com/335688/ford-reports-record-sales-of-the-f-650-and-f-750”. But I guess, enough guys buy em.
I work in the US auto industry. I’m not happy about this shit either.
Also, F650 is a rare vehicle so it really isn’t a good one to be mad about. F150’s and F250’s are everywhere though
American here. I’ve never seen this truck before. 🤷
This isn’t really something you see on US roads, unless you replace the bed with a flatbed or box. No normal person owns one of these as a pickup truck.