I also think it’s finally sunk in that the wall idea will never actually work. And then someone said “iron dome”, and his brain concluded that a dome sounds more bad-ass than a wall, anyway.
Recall he has said that his temperment now and when he was in first grade is “not all that different”. So whenever you try to work out his thought process, it helps to think like a seven-year-old. (Not six: If Trump were a kid today, his parents would have definitely held him back a year)
Alternative hypothesis: he’s also been listening to flat-earthers who think there’s a crystal dome keeping the air from leaking into space, and he got both ideas mixed together in his brain.
If you watch the surrounding context, he is absolutely talking about a missile intercept program. He referred to “MIT graduates” going “bing bong boom” to make an incoming missile “completely gone.”
So all the comments acting as if he wants a physical giant dome are attacking a strawman while the actual fact he’s taking about missile defense like a five year old is lampoon-worthy enough.
hahahaah someone clearly used the words ‘israel iron dome’ in his presence, and this is the result.
what a fucking idiot.
I also think it’s finally sunk in that the wall idea will never actually work. And then someone said “iron dome”, and his brain concluded that a dome sounds more bad-ass than a wall, anyway.
Recall he has said that his temperment now and when he was in first grade is “not all that different”. So whenever you try to work out his thought process, it helps to think like a seven-year-old. (Not six: If Trump were a kid today, his parents would have definitely held him back a year)
Alternative hypothesis: he’s also been listening to flat-earthers who think there’s a crystal dome keeping the air from leaking into space, and he got both ideas mixed together in his brain.
Doesn’t dementia affect a person’s ability to recognize metaphor?
So dose Ameridome temperature IQ.
what does that mean ?
I think it’s supposed to read “So does Ameridome temperature IQ”
Which is a riff on room-temperature IQ (something in the 60-70s, 100 IQ being the supposed average).
I see thanks
Maybe he just watched Biodome with Pauly Shore?
Or the Simpson movie. With his favorite fiction inspirational character, Spider Pig.
If you watch the surrounding context, he is absolutely talking about a missile intercept program. He referred to “MIT graduates” going “bing bong boom” to make an incoming missile “completely gone.”
So all the comments acting as if he wants a physical giant dome are attacking a strawman while the actual fact he’s taking about missile defense like a five year old is lampoon-worthy enough.