Dear Daughter,

My dearest love, I cherish your existence and I only want the very best for you. The one thing I have learned about myself in this long life that I have lived, is that my intuition has proven to be one of the best attributes that I have. I see hints of this ability in you, which I would be proud to boast is something you’ve inherited from me. I want you to make the most of your intuition and I suggest to you that you use facts to compliment your gut instincts. I’m not talking about the ability to tell the future. What I am referring to, is the ability to decipher the world from a combination of your instincts and cold hard facts and experiences. I have a feeling that if you might get the formula right, and more precise than I ever will, it will help you to navigate the world while sharpening your skills to help attain the happiness and love that everyone wants out of this short life we are given.

It’s been a few months since I last wrote to you. A lot has transpired since that last letter , and it has not been good. If it is one thing that I have gained in the last few months, it is clarity and peace and unity with my family, none of which has been attained without much pain on my part. Everything has now fallen into place, and what I suspected to be the case from your mom has been proven to be true.

If you recall in my last letter, I mentioned to you that I believed that your mother had become erratic and unpredictable in her behavior since I filed for divorce. In addition, I mentioned that I believed that she might be up to “no good”. Well, it appears that my intuitions were correct.

When I was a child, I had nightmare’s of having being accused of a crime and put in prison for a something bad that I never committed, and on top of that, trying to prove my innocence in a world that looks at what’s directly in front of them and not the bigger picture. I’ve seen movies about this and I thought that, it would be the worst thing to happen to an individual. Worse than death. I thought about movies like Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, and the Fugitive and how those people were wrongly accused and had to suffer the agony of having to prove their innocence after great suffering. Having the benefit of living in a country where freedom and due process are priorities, it allowed me to sleep in peace and feel shielded from the possibility of the thought that this type of unfairness would occur in my lifetime. I was proven very wrong.

It is unfortunate that I have to inform you with great sadness that your mother had me arrested for domestic violence. She had me taken away in the middle of the night from our Irvine home by police for something that she claimed I did, which I claimed was untrue. The perfect term for this is, the “he said, she said” syndrome and the police reinforced that statement at the time. It’s when there are no witnesses to prove that anything I said is true or anything she said is true. Your mom called the police and told them that I got on top of her on our bed and wedged her wrists under my knees and she said I told her “you’re not taking my fucking child away from me”. I found that interesting because the only time I recall something similar to that statement was when I was in front of your grandfather’s mansion. You see, after our separation, I wasn’t allowed to park within his compound anymore because I was now branded a stranger. Your mom came out of the gated fence and told me with great emphasis that “I will fucking make sure that you never see your daughter ever again!”. I didn’t think much of that at the time, because I thought, hey we live in a fair and just country, and that would never be the case. I realized very soon after, how naïve I was and that our freedoms need to be protected at ever cost, even with the cost of lives.

The day that your mother had me arrested was the day that my view of this country and it’s freedoms were shattered into pieces. It made me question every article of freedom that was written in this country to protect every individual . It’s interesting and I prefer not to make a big deal of it, but the arresting office was of Asian descent, just like your mother. It seems that at some point in time they felt the need to switch to a Caucasian officer as the detaining officer. Kind of like the fact that they hand off a female to a female officer. I found that very interesting and very patronizing and offensive.

What I found very interesting is that for some reason your aunt J and Uncle P seemed to have gotten to the “crime scene” just in time for my perp walk outside of our front house (did someone say “witnesses”?). It was if it was cautiously planned. The perp walk consisted of me being escorted out of my home at 2am with my 12 gauge shotgun being held by an Irvine officer following directly behind me. As I was being forcefully escorted out of my home, I watched the window from the home across the street, which was coincidentally owned by Jerry, one of your grandfather’s college graduate friends. They were peeking out of their curtains while I was being hauled to jail. Would anyone say “how about more witnesses”? I looked at your Uncle P and I saw his face of disbelief. It wasn’t the face of someone accusatory of what I could have possibly perpetrated, but the look of someone with great sorrow, knowing that this was not the end of what I would be subjected to.

So I started off at the Irvine jailhouse, where I waited in a cell for hours, which seemed like an eternity. The cell was clean and I was alone in it. It had a camera way up high in the left corner, intentionally unreachable by inmates that might inhabit that cell which surely included myself. Getting frustrated waiting, I yelled out in the jail to get an officer to come to my cell. Officer Kim came to my cell and asked me what I wanted. I told him I wanted a blood or urine test. I told him that your mom was full of accusations and I expect intoxication or drug abuse to be one of those accusations. Officer Kim looked at me confused and he told me that she was not accusing me of either being drug induced or intoxicated. He then started to reiterate questions that I previously answered. He asked if I grabbed your mom. I reinforced the fact that I didn’t and that I would never would. He asked me if perhaps mistakenly I may have touched her in an altercation. I expressed that I in no way mistakenly touched your mom. In fact, I informed him that if anyone touched me, it was your mother that intentionally touched me, which may have been to create the illusion of conflict in order to have me arrested.

To be continued…