Tommy is a 1975 British satirical surrealist operetta fantasy drama film written and directed by Ken Russell and based on the Who’s 1969 rock opera album Tommy about a “psychosomatically deaf, mute, and blind” boy who becomes a pinball champion and religious leader.

The film featured a star-studded ensemble cast, including the band members themselves (most notably, lead singer Roger Daltrey, who plays the title role), Ann-Margret, Oliver Reed, Eric Clapton, Tina Turner, Elton John, and Jack Nicholson.

No region blocks.

    11 months ago

    Easy, tiger. You were perfectly clear that you were stoned when you’d seen it nor was I implying anything. I’m not sure what I said to receive what reads as an inordinately defensive reply, forgive me if I’m reading it wrong.

    I just wanted to say that it’s a silly, fun movie and Ken Russell was a fab director. Cheers.