Which we should see as an excellent radicalization and growth opportunity!
It can be exhausting explaining ourselves again and again, always met with the same accusations and assumptions born from the mythos spun by our enemies.
However, we must remember these people are people, and many people change their minds given enough information, delivered with firm respect. For every belligerent person who appears like they wouldn’t change their mind for anything, there are 10 people quietly lurking who are more on-the-fence. Even those who regurgitate insults and contempt may change their mind when the stars align!
These people are not our enemies, they are victims to the greatest campaign of dishonesty in human history! It is our duty to draw out the poison and deliver the medicine!
I know many comrades here have very difficult lives and do not have the patience or energy to deal with such people. Please do not exhaust yourself interacting with liberals, and allow comrades with more energy to deal with them.
Radicalizing online is not the end-all be-all, but at this point in the psychological war for those within the Anglosphere, every victory is invaluable!!!
Liberal = supporter of capitalism. I suggest reading lots and lots on liberal and especially marxist theory, I used to be a centrist like you, because I only trusted what was trusted by liberal media, because ofc I wantdd to be correct, and it took years to realize they were lying and acting in bad faith. I was also hardcore falling for the golden mean fallacy
No one has suggested any readings yet (being a marxist is 50% reading and learning 50% trying to organize), so I’m recommending On Authority by Engels (this is a page long but very necessary, I highly suggest reading this future comrade!) After that dive in to State and Revolution by Lenin or Kapital by Marx, depending on how skeptical you are on supporting capitalism
On Authority, which is only a page long!
Lemme know if you have any questions too
I’m not THAT supportive of Capitalism. I just…go with it. Cuz I’m raised that way.
We all did. It’s just what happens when we’re raised in a system that teaches us that it is the “best” system to ever exist. It’s always important to keep learning, and challenging our preconceived notions about the world.
Yeah. However, I do sometimes wonder what went wrong to bring me here. About what exactly led me to be curious about ideas that I’ve been taught to dislike.
For me it was how as a child i saw everyone suddenly turn into murder robots about Iraq, and then just act like they didn’t, and I never felt at ease after that.
Yeah, thats liberalism my friend
.To indulge in personal attacks, pick quarrels, vent personal spite or seek revenge instead of entering into an argument and struggling against incorrect views for the sake of unity or progress or getting the work done properly. This is a fifth type.
I was where you are, probably worse, but you should do some reflection on what you now know to have been instilled in you purposefully by the system which raised you