We are all aware of the creative choices they made, and that some of them didn’t really add much positively compared to the original. Are there ones you ended up liking?
For me it’s how clearly Zuko’s family story was told. Note it’s been years since I watched the original, but I remember it being a little muddled until later in the show. But it might have been the longer story spacing out the emotional impacts. The clear picture of a narcissist dad playing his kids against each other/their Mother, oof that hit close to home. Too real and relatable.
It’s difficult to call it a change but I enjoyed the new version of the secret tunnel song. The accompaniment removed some of the poor traveling musician feel of the original, but it was enjoyable on its own merits.
Zuko’s crew being the original crew of the doomed mission he objected to.
Thats definitely the biggest one for me too!
For me, I really like the changes they made to Kyoshi Island and how Suki and Sokka interact from the get-go. Even though they still could have done the scene of Sokka dressing as a Kyoshi warrior.
I saw a ton of criticism of this elsewhere, but people are looking back at the original Kyoshi scenes with way too much nostalgia.
Firebending being realistic (ie, actually burning people). That was the one that stuck out most, but in fact, except earthbending, it was cool to see all the new bending in live action.