The very first English horror movie I remember is Evil dead and the absolute hype surrounding it. There were stories of people dying of heart attacks after watching that movie. We borrowed a deck player to watch the movie. I don’t remember much but I remember a girl pulled by the vines and someone’s feet with cracks on the sole. What is your first horror movie that you remember?

    1 year ago

    In the mid-70’s, BBC2 in the UK showed a season of old 50’s sci-fi/horror movies. So in very short order, aged 7, I watched Creature From The Black Lagoon, The Thing, I Married A Monster From Outer Space, The Day The Earth Stood Still, Invasion Of The Body Snatchers and the one that genuinely terrified me Invaders From Mars.

    But that was it, from pretty much that moment on I was hooked on horror.