Telegram channels such as Baza, Ostorozhno Novosti and Vazhnye Istorii were posting eyewitness statements and phone footage as early as 20:15 Moscow time and throughout the event. There was no jamming. Degraded performance was reported for Telegram and VK. Whether the issue was with the local access points or Telegram’s data centers is not clear.
I thought Internet was already under control of Moscow, but it’d be wild if it turned out it wasn’t all this time and Putin would never do something like this again, like those other times he did
Telegram channels such as Baza, Ostorozhno Novosti and Vazhnye Istorii were posting eyewitness statements and phone footage as early as 20:15 Moscow time and throughout the event. There was no jamming. Degraded performance was reported for Telegram and VK. Whether the issue was with the local access points or Telegram’s data centers is not clear.
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Again, what’s the source that the internet was jammed? I haven’t heard anyone mentioning that, including witnesses on the place.
I thought Internet was already under control of Moscow, but it’d be wild if it turned out it wasn’t all this time and Putin would never do something like this again, like those other times he did
But the burden of proof is on you. At this time, you are simply spreading an unfounded conspiracy theory.