Man, in 2023, it’s really hard to get heard through all of the macho “git gud” guff but as a fan of Armored Core since its inception: this game is not what I was expecting. I am disappointed.

I adored Armored Core as a series because it was steeped in the management of myriad statistics and unimaginably many ways to combine various parts to get to the collection of statistics you wanted. It was about navigating maps that were sometimes open and sometimes long and winding. It was about having a mech that can hit hard for a small open map or has enough ammo and energy for a long, exploratory map. It was about kitting out your AC for each and every mission to accomodate for every detail given in the mission briefing.

With the exception of AC4 and to some extent, AC5 (and Formula Front, I suppose), the piloting was really rather ancillary. Sure, it was fun. Sure, there were things to do. But really, as a pilot, your job was to leverage your AC’s strengths while mitigating its weaknesses.

AC6 turns all of that on its head.

AC6 feels very much like a Souls action game akin to Sekiro just with an added dash command. You dash around, trying to fill up an arbitrary bar just so you can deplete another bar all while managing your own bars. You do this while looking for patterns in a boss, avoiding their attacks, and waiting for “your turn”. Cool, if you like that sort of thing. But the focus now really is on the action aspect rather than your builds. Of course, you can still build ACs but it feels much more like kitting out a Souls character than it does studying numerous values and piecing them together in ways that are both effective and affordable.

My gripes:

  • The game seems to dish out AC parts as a reward rather than giving them to you as the core gameplay itself.

  • Why do I not have a radar?

  • The image editor is more restricted than it used to be (no more free-form pen tool)

  • Why can’t I build an AC whose generators offset my energy usage?

  • Why is there a stagger gauge? Why isn’t staggering instead a function of the kinetic energy behind my weapons and the stability of your AC?

  • Why do my weapons do insane damage to normal enemies and virtually no damage to bosses?

  • Ammo counts seem insane. I could be misremembering but I’m pretty sure the shoulder-mounted missile pod in the first mission reported having 150 missiles.

  • Energy is just a meter limiting your dashing and jumping. It feels very much like a Dark Souls stamina gauge. I suppose if I’m charitable, I could say it feels like AC4.

  • Speaking of Dark Souls, you now have magical repair kits akin to Estus Flasks.

  • Combat seems very much of the Sekiro/Bloodborne dodge => stagger => damage variety. It seems much less viable to just walk in with a massive tank, soak everything thrown your way, and accomplish your mission. It also seems much less viable to use distance and terrain to your advantage. The smaller scale of the ACs in AC5 really gave me hope that terrain would be coming back as a major feature but it hasn’t. Moreover, you can’t build an AC that can fly off in to the stratosphere and rain hellfire from the sky.

This game feels very much like Sekiro with robots, to me. It’s a game that is 95% action and 5% mech building. Even the action element doesn’t try to feel like giant lumbering mechs engaged in combat. It feels like Gundams darting around while pulling both energy and ammo out of the ether in order to keep up the pace of the action. AC4 was very “super robot”-like but at least AC4 retained the core conceit of combat by virtual of stat interactions.

The bosses also feel distinctly Dark Souls-ish. They’re big, imposing trials. I long for the days of Nine Ball and White Glint.

Does this game have stats? Sure. Do you build ACs? Yeah. But they are not the focus of the game anymore. This game is about piloting and at that, the piloting has been massively changed to feel much more video game-y and Dark Souls-like. It’s about identifying and reacting to patterns. If you can do that, you’ll be in very good shape to complete missions despite your build. In fact, I fully expect to see streamers with goofball AC versions of “nothing but my underwear and a torch” runs through the game.

One of the greatest joys I got out of the previous AC games was in finding clever ways to complete missions. If a mission was too hard for me, then I would try to construct an AC that allowed me to win the mission outside of the way the game wanted me to win. It was such a joy. It was facilitated through the fact that parts were numerous right from the get-go and the game mechanics centered around the interaction of dozens of statistics. Few things felt better than pummeling an AC with shots that they couldn’t handle and keeping them in stun lock.

Sadly, this game is hell bent on you playing the game as an action game. You will be required to both understand and become proficient in the action mechanics or else you will fail missions. Mech building is a secondary activity.

There are plenty of games that do that already. What I wanted was Armored Core.

    1 year ago

    The second I saw a focus on bosses with life bars, estus flasks and stagger gauges I was out. Been a fan since the ps2 days and was extremely disappointed

    1 year ago

    Dang, this is a disappointing read. This might be an unpopular take, but I have been steadily losing respect for FromSoft over the years due to them essentially following the same path as Bethesda - they used to make varied games until one of them randomly became very successful, and from that point on they’ve just been remaking that one game over and over with slightly different coats of paint. I was hoping they’d break out of that pattern with AC6 and do something original for a change, although I was also keenly aware there was a risk that, being the sixth game in the series, it would be just another AC. The fact that it’s apparently just another Souls is somehow even worse.

      1 year ago

      As a massive Dark Souls fan, AC6 is not even a very good Souls game. No deep lore and story, no beautiful scenery, no exploration at all. Even the bosses aren’t as good, because DS bosses can be tackled in various ways (melee, ranged, magic, many cheese strats) while AC6 bosses are designed to only let very specific builds succeed, which is incredibly boring. I honestly don’t understand the hype.

        1 year ago

        Hah, you and OP are literally arguing the exact opposite of each other.

        “It’s a bad Souls game, I can’t just use whatever build I want and win with pure skill!”

        “It’s a bad Armored Core game, I can’t just optimize my mech for this exact fight and steamroll it!”

        I like the game.

          1 year ago

          There’s no contradiction there. You are required specifically optimize your build for the difficult boss fights -and- play with Sekiro-like skill. The game is clearly designed like this. And while I’ve never played any of the previous AC games I agree with OP that this feels Souls-like, with stamina, poise and everything.

          The combat is fine perhaps. The main reason I don’t like AC6 is because there’s nothing interesting in it except the boss fights. It’s the blandest FromSoft game I’ve ever played. Elden Ring kept me enthralled for a 100 hours until I got all achievements, trying to explore everything. An afternoon of AC6 I started to wonder why I was still playing, when after each mission or boss there’s just going to be more of the same.

      1 year ago

      As a long-time Tenchu fan, I feel this was about Sekiro to be honest. It started life as Tenchu 5, then got turned mid-development into Sekiro. I just wish it had a bigger emphasis on stealth, rather than just swordfighting…

        1 year ago

        Tenchu has kind of a weird / tangled development history.

        • It was originally developed by Acquire and published by Sony Music Entertainment.
        • Then Activision bought the rights from SME, and sold it to FromSoft afterwards.
        • FromSoft holds the IP today
          • but out of the 9 games released, they only developed 3 Tenchu games, and 2 of them were PSP ports.
          • so effectively FromSoft have only developed 1 Tenchu game.
        • Tenchu games were mostly developed by Acquire at first, and then K2 LLC
          • Acquire hasn’t done anything with Tenchu IP since 2009, and has been collaborating with other devs, making games like Octopath Traveler and Akiba Beat
          • meanwhile K2 LLC has been acquired by CAPCOM

        I think it’s unlikely that we will get a another Tenchu entry with gameplay similar to older ones anymore.

        If you want games with similar gameplay to Tenchu, then maybe you should watch Acquire’s outputs. They developed games like Kamiwaza and Shinobido that have stealth mechanics.

        Edit: updated for readability

    1 year ago

    I agree 10000%. This is Souls with robots, not Armored Core.

    What’s even more upsetting is that the reviews I read claim exactly the opposite, but you jump into mission 1 and there’s a giant gunship that will 2-shot you, and you have no ability to customize your mech, so you’re right from the outset being told that build means nothing about outcome.

    I’m not surprised the Souls fans love this game since they don’t know any better, but I am very disappointed in FROM.

      1 year ago

      (never played an AC game before) The lesson I took from the tutorial boss is that you should use the right weapon for the job, i.e. the build matters a lot. I wasn’t getting anywhere with anything but the sword.

        1 year ago

        Yes, and that is not AC. There is not one correct weapon for the job, there should be many different combinations of tactics, weapons, movement styles, etc. The build didn’t matter, because “the sword can kill everything” is not a “build”, but it’s true in AC6.

        Want to one-shot the giant mechs at the expense of agility to handle small ones? Turn your AC into a massive lumbering build with a stupid-big cannon. Want to snipe stuff from halfway across the map, in exchange for a 20-second reload? Or make your AC able to fly for minutes on end, at the expense of only having a lightweight shotgun and blade, and barely any armor? No problem.

        You could do those and tons more, and they all have trade-offs, and none of them work for every mission. That is AC.

        There is no variance here, it’s all just Dark Souls-like dodge-fighting. You could keep the same build from mission 1 and beat the game, and that’s not “difficulty” in the AC sense.

    1 year ago

    I’m a fan of both franchises and this seems like a good blend to me, not perfect but not bad.Seems like you’re ultimately annoyed that you can’t faceroll the game with simply bigger numbers in certain stats. And you also seemingly have a hate boner for Dark Souls.

    You really drive that point home with “Few things felt better than pummeling an AC with shots that they couldn’t handle and keeping them in stun lock.”

    I mean, if that’s how you have fun then ok; but I don’t think the majority of players find fun shooting fish in a barrel.

    You’re also gonna have a pretty unsuccessful time chasing the gameplay of your childhood too. The entire gaming landscape has changed so simply plucking out the formulas of old and dialing up the graphics isn’t really enough. Look at Old School Runescape and see how the players approach the game compared to 2006. Look at Halo 3, one of the best, most influential FPS games to date, imo. If it were released today, it would be eaten alive, calling it “boring” or “simple” etc. ; because people today are playing seizure inducing shit like Valorant or Apex. I firmly think if you got the AC you think you wanted, it wouldn’t reach those expectations at all.

    • EvaUnit02@kbin.socialOP
      1 year ago

      Seems like you’re ultimately annoyed that you can’t faceroll the game with simply bigger numbers in certain stats.

      That’s not it at all. What I want is the freedom to approach the game using the mechanics of the stats, the way the game had worked for decades before. If that means “faceroll[ing] the game”, then so be it. I thought the final boss of Verdict Day (among many others across the series) was incredibly difficult but I didn’t have a problem with it because the game let me respond to that difficulty with building my mech rather than requiring me to be dexterous and having intimate knowledge of action game mechanics. AC6 just doesn’t play like the mech sim I expect the series to be. It plays like an action game and demands I master the action. It feels less MechWarrior, more Titanfall. I know that’s a reductive analogy and all three games are fairly different but hopefully my point gets across.

      And you also seemingly have a hate boner for Dark Souls.

      Then you’ve misread. I adore the Souls series. That doesn’t mean I want my From games to be homogenized in to it.

      You’re also gonna have a pretty unsuccessful time chasing the gameplay of your childhood too. I firmly think if you got the AC you think you wanted, it wouldn’t reach those expectations at all.

      I disagree. For what it’s worth, I wasn’t a child when Armored Core first released on the PSX; so, I’m not really chasing childhood nostalgia. Regardless, I thought Verdict Day was brilliant. Granted, it was ten years ago but it was nearly fifteen years after the original AC.

      1 year ago

      Its alright for people to dislike Dark Souls or not want every game to be a Souls-like. Not too mention that there weren’t really any actual criticism of Dark Souls in the post. Makes the rest of your comment fine of as defensive more than anything.

      1 year ago

      Everything after 3 is good. Runs well enough on pcsx2. The set of 3 that are right around nexus holds up really well and can play online with xlink Kai which is awesome. I’m too lazy to post links, I apologize

    1 year ago

    Well, you confirmed some of my fears. I’m sure I’ll still enjoy it when I play it eventually, but the mech game genre has been in starvation mode for a long time and it doesn’t seem like AC6 will be able to really scratch that itch.

      1 year ago

      As a fan of souls games and mech games, I wouldn’t be TOO worried. OP is overstating the problem. I sympathize, because this is indeed a different Armored Core, but it’s nothing at all like a souls game. It’s still a mech game and a good one, but it’s not as technically deep as previous AC games while also being dramatically more difficult.

      I would say in older AC games having a terrible build vs a great build meant the mission was either literally impossible or braindead easy. In AC6 a terrible build means the mission will be much harder, but still perfectly doable, and having a great build means the mission will run smoother but may still be quite challenging since threats are generally a lot more deadly than they were in previous titles.

      I can totally understand how that can kill the vibe for someone who wants to seek victory in the build screen and enjoy the rewarding power fantasy during the mission, but it’s still a great mech game with a lot of meaningful variety.

      Proof of this is that while, yes, AC purists are upset that this game is more action-y, there are just as many Souls fans who are mad that the mech building game they bought is - get this - actually a mech game and not just Robo Souls.

        1 year ago


        That said, the Armored Core games seem to disagree with their own stated goals.

        “We want you to reconfigure your mech to properly fit with the mission!”

        “Cool, so you’re going to give me a thorough briefing on what I can expect so I can tailor my mech to that?”


        “You’re going to let me reconfigure my mech mid-mission?”


        “You’re going to unify the buy/sell/garage screens so I can easily redesign my loadout without flipping through 3 different screens?”


        “So what am I supposed to do?”

        “Die. Then reconfigure. And depending on the game, go deeply in debt.”

        “Yikes. So at least reloading will be quick?”


        “You’ll at least skip the scripted dialogue and startup animation when I’m retrying?”


        “… Okay.”

        Seriously, the Armored Core game that die-hard fans describe sounds great. I wish those were the games they actually made.

          1 year ago

          What you described is just old school trial and error lol. Missions in armored core were never long enough for this to be an issue

    1 year ago

    I’m mostly just surprised that I’ve seen people say AC6 is more accessible than previous ACs when it’s probably the hardest AC game since Last Raven. The chapter 1 boss is as hard as the final boss of Verdict Day.

    Of course, I said the same thing about Elden Ring; my friend was trying to convince our other friends that it was more approachable than Dark Souls, and I was like “The first story boss has higher moveset complexity than Nameless King phase 2!” I think in the end most people still found it more approachable, which I don’t really understand because I think it was way harder than the non-DLC parts of DS3, so maybe I’m just looking at these games wrong/weird.

    1 year ago

    I just hate that parts have to be unlocked in the shop. With the limited mission choice I never want to buy anything, because what if I need the money to buy something I like more after the next mission? Feels like false choice