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The original was posted on /r/privacy by /u/throwawaevident on 2023-09-01 21:05:53+00:00.
I made a Wishbone app account when I was a kid a couple of years ago and then in 2020 there was a data breach with the company. I am now trying to delete my account but am unable to. It says I need to email the company but then the email they have listed on their website is invalid and any time I try to email them the email doesn’t go through. I can see no way of deleting the account in app or by myself. The only way I can delete my account is by emailing them but I can’t find any active emails with the company, yet my account is still up and I can’t delete it by myself. I’m afraid there will be another data breach with this sketchy company but I can see no way of deleting my data from their severs. Someone please help me.