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The original was posted on /r/privacy by /u/Seigardreight on 2023-09-01 19:03:46+00:00.

Upon some consideration I’ve decided to slowly phase out my leaked and overused email addresses.

The system I have in mind is this:

  • I’m already using 1password and I’m about to sign up for Fastmail (was thinking proton but it’s overkill for me, even fastmail might be to be honest) and I’ll use a custom domain I own for the main address in there if it’s possible as a catch all. Whenever I make a new unnecessary account, I can use an alias through 1 password and fastmail integration and in the end if I want to ditch fastmail, the main address would belong to me.

This system I thought about is not entirely informed as I’ve never used custom domain emails before. I own a couple domains for my own work but when I look at namecheap it shows custom email addresses to be for about $15 a year. So I’m guessing I’d use one of my domains to purchase its email address, then use that in Fastmail?

I would love to hear your feedback about this system. Is there a more cost effective way at doing this without giving up too much on the convenience of 1password and Fastmail (I know Fastmail has some issues regarding Australia but I don’t mind that much)?