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The original was posted on /r/i2p by /u/Msinned on 2023-09-09 23:19:28+00:00.

Hey all, I set up an i2p router on a VPS for the bandwidth. It has been running for a couple days and eepsites load without problems.

I have created a tunnel using Putty (Windows user) and I assume the tunnel works, as I am able to connect to the router console at while the tunnel is active.

The issue is that I can’t access any eepsites. I get this error:

The proxy server is refusing connections

Firefox is configured to use a proxy server that is refusing connections.

I have set the proper settings in Firefox for the HTTP proxy server to use port 4444 and nothing in the SOCKS field. Also I have checked and the HTTP proxy is running, interface port 4444.

I am not sure where the issue lies. Am I correct to assume the tunnel works since I can access the console? Am I not setting the tunnel with the correct port? I can screenshot my Putty config if need.