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The original was posted on /r/homenetworking by /u/ZeroChance0 on 2023-09-02 00:53:57+00:00.

So I’m a dummy when it comes to electronics and networking but anyways, my gaming system is far away from my router so the speeds are pretty bad and it gets pretty laggy. I ended up buying a super long Ethernet cord to run across the walls in my house and it works pretty well. The only problem… it’s ugly and I’m tripping over them constantly. So I figured I’d call an electrician and have them install a Ethernet wall port and just connect it through there to save myself some breathing room. I was wondering if that would negatively effect my speeds or connection in any way and if it’s good for multiple systems to be connected at once.

TLDR: Does a wired Ethernet connection do the same thing as a wired Ethernet wall port and how many devices can it support at once.