Fucking succdems NEVER learn
The context makes me think what he is saying isn’t that Marx Lenin Mao and Castro were wrong. I think he is saying that Brazil doesn’t need to use the tactics that those people laid out for the socialist revolution because the constitution provides Brazil a path to legislate the revolution.
Which is still kind of sketchy.
What is this from? I’m trying to figure out who is the Pacheco he is talking about. Most likely seems to be Rodrigo Pacheco, who as far as I can tell, is associated with the Social Democratic Party. I don’t know how reliable wikipedia is on this, but it describes the Social Democratic Party as a force of centrism in Brazil.
So I’m a bit confused as to why Lula would be saying that to Pacheco in a way that sounds like some kind of counter argument, if it’s the same Pacheco.
If Pacheco is a socdem, and this is a counterargument, it appears he’s reassuring Pacheco that you can make the changes necessary for Brazil without having a revolution, which is what social democracy was built for, to prevent revolutions and anything from fundamentally changing, which is in tune with social democracy being centrist.
That’s my reading if it helps.
I think that makes sense yeah. Thanks.