Have you ever been playing a computer game that you thought you loved, only to realize that you’re wasting your time? That, after 300 hours of grinding for the perfect sword or leveling up the perfect character, you have created nothing of value in the world and have left nothing behind – that you have lost 300 hours of your life, sitting alone in a dark room, gaming?

In this community, there are some people who take their experience with gaming and create permanence with it – they write long essays, and some even make a huge magazine; all about their experience playing video games, their feelings now tangible and imprinted on the world. But the average “gamer” is just staring at screens, not thinking, barely feeling fake feelings conjured by huge multi-million dollar publishers.

It is sad is all. I imagine if this post offends you, then you likely fall into this camp and should do some soul searching.

  • littleblue✨@lemmy.world
    2 months ago


    Also, get off the internet, gramps. You’re gonna see some shit you’re not ready for. 😚