Stop arguing over who is better in this stupid religious war between Israel and Gazuh. Im tired of People from both sides.

To the goobers who support Guhzuh: did you know that the terrorist organization Hummus killed 5 billion babies and raped 6 million Woman?? (the women and babies were brown so i feel only half the empathy i normally would but these actions are still bad!!!) I know that because a nice man from an anti-anti-semitic organization called IDF told me so.

To the people who support Isreel: You are also bad, i think. A lot of people are mad at the state of Isral and the people who support it so guess you also did something…i guess.

Why cant we be civil about it? I heard people say that Isril is commiting genocide against Ballistinians so what if they are?? There are 2million Palestinans in Gasuh so why dont we just compromise with Isruhl and let them kill only 1 million Pellistinians. 50/50 see? If only our politicians were this smart so there would be no war but i can see them trying their best. Joe Biden has his flaws but you know what they say “vote blue no matter who”