A judge released the Epstein papers recently, with the names all numbered ‘doe’, to protect the rich and famous pedophiles from the public eye. Sleuthers on the internet have match trumps movements and actions up to ‘doe 174’ as most likely as trump. Some suspect the shooter motives might be because of this reason.
Maybe what I saw was fake but I saw what seemed to be a legal document laying out that Trump and Epstein competed to see who could rape a 12 year old first, and Trump won.
A judge released the Epstein papers recently, with the names all numbered ‘doe’, to protect the rich and famous pedophiles from the public eye. Sleuthers on the internet have match trumps movements and actions up to ‘doe 174’ as most likely as trump. Some suspect the shooter motives might be because of this reason.
Maybe what I saw was fake but I saw what seemed to be a legal document laying out that Trump and Epstein competed to see who could rape a 12 year old first, and Trump won.