If it’s truly a feline take: “I exist with unwavering confidence in the context of all which came before me. I resent you questioning the concept through which you question me.”
Excuse me?! I’m in the Church of Last Thursday, thankyouverymuch. Those heretical Last Tuesdayists are going to face consequences for their lack of faith.
How do you know the context existed before you woke up this morning? It could have been replaced with something even stranger while you were asleep.
If it’s truly a feline take: “I exist with unwavering confidence in the context of all which came before me. I resent you questioning the concept through which you question me.”
Well well well, looks like we got one of them Church of Last Tuesday folks here…
Excuse me?! I’m in the Church of Last Thursday, thankyouverymuch. Those heretical Last Tuesdayists are going to face consequences for their lack of faith.
Apologies, I am but a mere subgenius and did not know any better.
I exist within the context of Last Thursday. It’s called Last Thursdayism.
I might be trapped in a snowglobe.