This post of hers makes no sense. She posts on insta about photos not looking the same on insta as they do on her phone, by posting the two versions of the image on insta? What a dumbass. How did you post the version from your phone ON INSTA and have it be clearer than the blurry image supposedly representing how it looks ON INSTA?
She’s such a moron it hurts.
She’s trying to cover up for her filters. She’s as dumb as Alicia Mccarvell.
I’d venture to say dumber.
Nah, Alicia wrote herself a hate comment and forgot to crop out the “posting” lmao. It’s all on her subreddit.
I mean, the two slides she showed are demonstrably visibly different. One got downscaled and jpeg encoded to hell and back and the other didn’t. Why Instagram did this to a photo but not a video slide I can’t say, but it did. Is she really a moron if she figured out it wouldn’t do that to a video?
EDIT: Wait a minute, I’m an idiot! The second image doesn’t have any JPEG artifacting at all! She must have manually lowered the resolution and boosted the exposure to make the image look washed out. No software on Instagram’s end would’ve done that without being told to. My point stands, but why cast doubt on Instagram’s image display?
So dumb 😭
This is her way of blaming her accused filter use on Instagram lol. She’s like putting it out there that Instagram is the one sabotaging her pictures and not her own work. All she does is gaslight her followers, she’s sick in the head.
“There’s gotta be something I’m doing” yes editing your pictures in other apps and using filters lol. She’s her own worst enemy.
You would think if this was your actual career job you would use a single filter and consistently look the same, albeit filtered. I think you could file all of her filtered selves onto a 747 airplane and none of them would look like the actual Birdie. Maybe sisters or cousins but definitely not a twin in the bunch. 10A and 17 C would not be twinning.
There’s so much wrong with her post. The first thing that strikes me is - this is her job!!! She’s not very good at it. The second thing is the next level gaslighting she’s using. The picture looks nothing like the Sarah in the story who looks very little like irl Sarah! The third thing is she’s thirsty for engagement
PS- her hair is platinum and her brows are black. Bitch, you are not Christina Aguilera and it is not 2015! The brows need their own account at this point!
This post pisses me off. Totally gaslighting! And the dumb act …”gee Idanno why it’s doin that (eyelash batting) gosh golly I sure wish I knew why my pictures are acting funny.” The whole thing is a goddamn act and it’s disgusting.
I think this is where the “the call is coming from inside the home” applies.